How do I get a new stop sign or traffic signal installed?
Stop signs are only placed where there is a need to assign right-of-way. Stop signs are not used to control speeding. All installations of stop signs (and all traffic control devices) must comply with the federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the CT Department of Transportation - Office of the State Traffic Administration. Requests for new stop signs or traffic signals should be directed to Councilpersons. Council will refer the request to the Public Safety Committee. Public Safety refers the issue to Public Works for review, who will then make a recommendation back to the Public Safety Committee.
A sign is faded, broken, or missing, or a traffic signal indication bulb is out. How do I get these replaced?
Contact Traffic and Fire Alarm Division at 203-630-4253.
How can I prevent vehicles from speeding on my street?
All speeding concerns should be directed to the Meriden Police Department at 203-238-1911. They can conduct targeted enforcement or place speed trailers.
How do I report a street light that is out or needs repair?
To report a street light outage or needed repair, use the city's Citizen Request Form. Be sure to check the box "Street Light Repairs/Outages."