Email Registration
The Meriden Police Department is compiling a data bank of e-mail addresses for all City residents that wish to participate. The data bank will consist of e-mail addresses marked for certain sectors of the City. This data bank will be used for sending residents e-mail on important matters which effect their area or neighborhoods. For example if there are numerous burglaries in an area, the police department would issue a warning bulletin for that area that is effected, as well as tips on crime prevention to assure you’re not victimized.
The e-mail will also be used for newsletters developed by the police department regarding events, road closings, construction areas, emergency no parking areas, and special important notices.
To obtain an e-mail registration form, just ask any police officer, or come to the Meriden Police Department.
To e-mail your information, please e-mail your full name, address, telephone number (optional) and e-mail address to the Community Service Bureau .