Tax Collection
The Tax Office is open Monday- Friday from 8am - 5pm.
Meriden Tax Collector
Tax Payment Dates and Information:
The Mill Rate for the 2023 Grand List due on July 1, 2024 is 36.31
The Mill Rate for Real Estate only located in the Second District is 38.51
The Motor Vehicle mill rate is capped at 32.46
To all persons liable to pay taxes on the Grand List of October 1, 2023:
Payment of Property Tax is due on July 1, 2024 for the first quarter of the Real Estate bill, the first half of the Personal Property bill, and the full amount of the Motor Vehicle bill. Payment must be timely and made no later than August 1, 2024, after which date the tax is late and subject to statutory interest at the rate of 1.5% per month from the date of July 1, 2024. The minimum interest rate is 3% or $2.00, whichever is greater. Tax bills are only mailed once a year in July. Please be sure to keep your bill for payment of the remaining installments.
Failure to receive a bill does not negate the tax, interest or fees. If you do not receive a bill by the end of the first week in July, please call the office at (203)630-4053 for a duplicate. Tax amounts and information can also be found by clicking the “View or Pay your taxes” link in the column to the left.
If you have received a tax bill for a vehicle you no longer own, please see the “Assessment” link for more information.
If you have accessed this site to pay delinquent motor vehicle taxes AND you need CT DMV clearance for vehicle registration, be aware that all payments made online will take 10-12 days to process and clear CT DMV.
Note the payments made in person at the Tax Office by 4pm with cash, money order or credit card will be cleared with DMV the next day.
ALL outstanding vehicle taxes associated with your name and/or VIN#, including taxes not yet delinquent, must be paid in full in order for a release to be issued.
The Office of the Collector of Revenue collects many of the funds paid to the City of Meriden including:
- Real Estate
- Personal Property
- Motor Vehicle
- Water Consumption
- Sewer Use
- Sewer Assessments
- Aircraft Registration
Taxable property is listed according to ownership status and value as of any given October 1st. Taxes based on that list are due on the following July 1st. For example, taxes due as of July 1, 2024 are referred to as the 2023 Grand List taxes. . This is true whether the responsible property owner actually receives the bill or not. Interest is calculated for July, but is waived as a grace period. That’s why interest is automatically set at 3 % once the grace period is over.
Although taxes are considered to be due in full in July, Meriden permits Real Estate taxes to be paid in 4 equal installments, in July, October, January, and April. Meriden also permits Personal Property taxes to be paid in 2 equal installments, in July and January. Meriden expects Motor Vehicle taxes to be paid in full in July. All Connecticut towns also bill for Supplemental Motor Vehicle taxes in January. These “catch up” bills are for vehicles which were not on the records of the Department of Motor Vehicles as of October 1st, either because they were renewed or bought after that date. Supplemental Motor Vehicle taxes are adjusted for the shorter ownership period and may include a credit for a vehicle that was replaced. They are due in full in January.
Delinquent taxes . If not paid during the grace period, taxes are late and interest must be added at the rate of 1½% per month, or 18% per year. Real Estate taxes which remain unpaid at the end of the year in which they’re due must be liened against the property to ensure the City’s ability to collect them. Building permits will not be issued if the property has any such debt, nor will funding be provided through the Neighborhood Preservation Program. Motor Vehicle taxes which remain unpaid are reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles which cooperates with municipalities by declining to register or renew any vehicles in the name of the delinquent owner. Personal Property taxes which become delinquent may be liened with the Secretary of the State, and restaurant, hair and nail care, liquor control, and lottery permits will not be issued (both City and State) for businesses with this type of debt.
Water and Sewer bills are generated by the Meriden Water Department based primarily on consumption, although there may be other factors, such as hydrants, etc. These bills are collected in the Office of the Collector of Revenue. These bills are issued and due in March, June, September and December. Unpaid Water/Sewer bills generate interest and may result in termination of service and/or recommendation for foreclosure.
Lien . Once a lien has been placed on the Real Estate for unpaid property taxes and or Water/Sewer bills, the City may exercise its right to foreclose those liens in order to collect the charges. All property owners are given due process, so anyone who gets a demand letter warning of that possibility needs to respond immediately. Payment in full is preferred, and will save a great deal of interest, but payment plans are often accepted, provided all such accounts will be made current within one year.
Aircraft Registration Fees are collected by Hannah Pierce, who is the Aircraft Registration Official for the City. These fees have replaced the personal property tax that used to be assessed on aircraft tied down in each municipality. This program unified fees for aircraft throughout the state, based on weight. Aircraft are registered in October of each year.