Human Rights, Racial Equity and Social Justice Advisory Board
The Human Rights, Racial Equity and Social Justice Advisory Board promotes human rights, engages in relationships that embody the principles of dignity and respect, creates a culture of human rights compliance and accountability, and celebrates the rich diversity of Meriden's population.
We act as a driver for social change based upon principles of substantive equality, equity and inclusion for all. We provide outreach, information, education and assistance.
We seek to find and understand patterns and practices of systematic discrimination. If you have experienced or witnessed discrimination, we would like to hear from you. We will provide whatever assistance possible to secure a resolution.
The Human Rights, Racial Equity and Social Justice Advisory Board opposes discrimination, segregation, restricted opportunity and any other form of disparate treatment or harm, in both the public and private sectors, for any individual or group based upon characteristics including, but not limited to:
- Race
- Color
- Religion
- Creed
- Ethnicity
- National Origin
- Ancestry
- Age
- Family Status
- Sexual Orientation
- Gender Identity or Expression
- Disability
- Citizenship or Immigration Status
- Housing Situation
- Economic Position
Meriden Human Rights Advocate
Emily Holland, City Attorney
(203) 630-4045
Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO)
MAIN: (860) 541-3400 TOLL FREE (800) 477-5737
CLICK HERE to learn how to file a discrimination complaint
Statewide Legal Services of Connecticut
MAIN: (860) 344-0380; TOLL FREE: (860) 453-3320
American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut
MAIN: (860) 523-9146
Disability Rights Connecticut
MAIN: (860) 297-4300
TOLL FREE: (800) 842-7303
Rhudean Raye (D)
16 Rogers Dr.
Exp. 1/31/2026
Jeffrey Freiser (D)
247 Natchaug Drive
Exp. 1/31/2025
Jaime Fisher (D)
51 Seneca Drive
Exp. 1/31/2026
Vanessa Hutchins (D)
212 Olive Street
Exp. 1/31/2027
Katabba Muhammad (U)
64 South Avenue
Exp. 1/31/2027
John Talbot (D)
360 Broad Street, Apt D5
Exp. 1/31/2025
Vacancy (U)
(for Roth)
Exp. 1/31/2025
Alan Bissonnette (R)
80 Silver Street
Exp. 1/31/2027
Enileika Lopez-Riddle (D)
36 Evergreen Lane
Exp. 1/31/2026
Dan Brunet (R)
67 John George Drive
Exp. 12/1/25
Sonya Jelks (D)
45 Fourth Street, #1
Exp. 12/1/25