Reduced Fares
Information about reduced fares for Seniors and persons with disabilities is available here.
In order to ride State of Connecticut subsidized transit services at a reduced fare, you need to either have a Medicare card or a state-issued photo I.D. card. If you have a Medicare card, a separate photo I.D. card is not required. Key points of the program are:
- A federally-issued Medicare card or state-issued photo I.D. card are the only two forms of identification accepted as valid proof for reduced fare on state-subsidized transit providers as of January 1, 1993
- There is an application charge of $5.00 to issue a first photo I.D. card. If your card is lost, stolen or damaged, a replacement card may be obtained with a processing charge of $10.00
- Temporary disability cards expire one year from issue date. Temporary cards require reapplication upon expiration (see “new applicant” information)
- Applicants must submit an appropriately-sized photograph of him or herself
Definition of "Disabled"; Entitlement to Identification Card
Federal and state authorities have established the following criteria for the purpose of defining individuals who are entitled to reduced transit fares on the basis of disability. A reduced fare I.D. card will be issued to an individual who meets one or more of the following criteria:
- Vision Impairment: If the person has a central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with the use of a correcting lens. An eye which is accompanied by limitation in the field of vision such that the widest diameter of the visual field subtends an angle no greater than 20 degrees shall be considered as having central visual acuity of 20/200 or less.
- Hearing Impairment: If there is no air or bone conduction whatsoever in both ears; or if hearing is so impaired that, notwithstanding the use of hearing aids, the person is incapable of hearing sound below 80 decibels at 2,000 cycles per sound, as verified by audiometric testing.
- Ambulatory: If from whatever cause, the person is unable to move about without a “walker”, a wheelchair, a crutch(es) or a cane, and if the condition is expected to continue for more than one year from the date of application. The word “unable” is used in its literal sense. The fact that one of these mechanical aids facilitates movement is not sufficient. The applicant must be incapable of moving about, except for extremely short distances, without use of the aid; or, (2) if the person has an obvious and serious disorder of gait which substantially interferes with the use of mass transportation. This condition must be described in detail by the physician giving the opinion and will be subject to official medical review.
- Loss of Arms or Hands: If by reason of amputation or anatomical deformity the person lacks two arms or two hands.
- Other: If the person has any other disability which would fall within the following Federal Transit Administration definition of disabled person: “any individual who, by reason of illness, injury, age, congenital malfunction or other permanent or temporary incapacity of disability, is unable, without special facilities or special planning or design, to utilize mass transportation facilities and services as effectively as persons who are not so affected”.
- Temporary: A mobility impairment lasting at least three months.
The determination of whether a person is “disabled” with the meaning of the foregoing definition will be made on the basis of submitted evidence. Certification by a physician is essential to the application. Applicants will have to arrange for the physician’s services at their own expense. We reserve the right to require proof of disability in addition to the physician’s opinion.