Public Hearing Notices & Decisions

Per the Governors EO 7I, Notice of Public Hearings, Decisions, and Appeals notice requirements are suspended and modified to allow notice to be posted electronically on a municipality’s website. These notices shall remain visible on the website until the completion of the action, meeting, or proceeding which such notice is provided and for the duration of the applicable appeal period.

Notices posted below are date descending:



Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of December 4, 2024 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following actions:

A. Application of Michael Carabetta at 396 Gracey Ave.- For a single family dwelling with associated filling, grading, drainage, utilities, and driveway located in the upland review area. (Deemed Summary and Approved) 

B. B. Application of Ragozzino Foods Inc. at 71 Chamberlain Hwy. – For proposed additions to an existing industrial building with significant activity, including filling of 1,180 sq. ft. of wetlands with mitigation area of 5,280 sq. ft. (Deemed Plenary and Tabled)

Jasmine Peele, Assistant Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, December 5, 2024


Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action 

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of December 3, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following action:

Appeal #4856 at 108 Byron Rd., Paul Magliochetti, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B of side yard setback 5.8 ft. where 10 ft. is required for a garage addition in the R-1 zone. (Approved)

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

  1. Appeal #4856 at 108 Byron Rd., Paul Magliochetti, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B of side yard setback 5.8 ft. where 10 ft. is required for a garage addition in the R-1 zone.
  2. Appeal #4857 at 840 Hanover Rd., Pedro Mercado, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B of rear yard setback 3.8 ft. where 25 ft. is required for a retaining wall in the R-1 zone.                                                                        

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, November 20, 2024




The Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 6:30 P.M. has been cancelled. 

Jasmine Peele

Assistant Director of Planning, Development & Enforcement

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

Appeal #4855 at 744 Murdock Ave., Edwin Saguay & Lourdes Baculima, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a use variance per Sec. 213-26B to permit an indoor soccer facility in the C-4/RDD zone.

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action 

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of October 1, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

  1. Appeal #4852 at 589 Hanover Rd., Miguel & Melquiades Alberto, Owners/Melquiades Alberto, Applicant. Requesting a use variance per Sec. 213-18 to allow retail sales in the R-1 zone. (Approved with Conditions)
  2. Appeal #4853 at 701 Research Pkwy., DFC of Research 701 LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-14 to allow a brewery facility as a second principal use on the property in the M-4/Billboard Overlay zone. (Approved)
  3. Appeal #4854 at 226 East Rd., 226 East Road Meriden LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a site plan and special exception approval per Sec. 213-25B(2)l for construction of a 12-unit multi-family building in the C-2 zone. (Approved with Conditions)

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

  1. Appeal #4852 at 589 Hanover Rd., Miguel & Melquiades Alberto, Owners/Melquiades Alberto, Applicant. Requesting a use variance per Sec. 213-18 to allow retail sales in the R-1 zone.
  2. Appeal #4853 at 701 Research Pkwy., DFC of Research 701 LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-14 to allow a brewery facility as a second principal use on the property in the M-4/Billboard Overlay zone.
  3. Appeal #4854 at 226 East Rd., 226 East Road Meriden LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a site plan and special exception approval per Sec. 213-25B(2)l for construction of a 12-unit multi-family building in the C-2 zone.

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, September 18, 2024


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of September 11, 2024 at Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following action: 

Denied without Prejudice - Site Plan Application of Timothy Pepin at 836 & 840 Westfield Road – For approval of a 360 sq. ft. (30’x12’) enclosed horse barn with attached 300 sq. ft. (30x’10’) open canopy and 400’ long by 160’ wide accessory riding ring, requiring 225,000 cu. yd. of excavation in the R-R zone.

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated: September 12, 2024



Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of September 4, 2024 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following actions:

A.  Application of 226 East Road Meriden LLC at 226 East Road – for a 3-story, 12-unit multi-family development. (Conditionally Approved)

B.   Application of DFC of Research 701, LLC at 701 Research Parkway – for a 16,500 sq. ft. brewery and tasting room. (Conditionally Approved)

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, September 5, 2024

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action 

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of September 3, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following action:

Appeal #4850 at 24 Maple Ave., Ashley Enger, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B of side yard setback 7 ft. where 10 ft. is required for an addition in the R-1 zone. (Denied)

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, September 4, 2024



The Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Room 28, Meriden City Hall, 142 East Main St., on the following application: 

Application of 226 East Road Meriden LLC at 226 East Road – for a 3-story, 12-unit multi-family development.

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice 

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following application: 

Appeal #4850 at 24 Maple Ave., Ashley Enger, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B of side yard setback 7 ft. where 10 ft. is required for an addition in the R-1 zone.

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, August 21, 2024



Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of August 7, 2024 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following actions:

A.  Application of 226 East Road Meriden LLC at 226 East Road – for a 3-story, 12-unit multi-family development. (Deemed Plenary Activity)

B.   Application of DFC of Research 701, LLC at 701 Research Parkway – for a 16,500 sq. ft. brewery and tasting room. (Deemed Summary Activity)

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, August 8, 2024

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action 

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of August 6, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Planning Conference Room, Rm. 131 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following action:

a.  Appeal #4851 at 1437 Hanover Ave., 1437 LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-50D to allow brick and concrete as acceptable fill in the M-2 zone.  (Approved)                                                                                

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, August 7, 2024 



Meriden Planning Commission

A Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 6:30 P.M. at Meriden City Hall – Planning Conference Room, Rm. #131 – 142 East Main St., Meriden, CT to consider:

Special Exception Permit and Site Plan Application of HAAG LLC at 65 Westfield Road – for adaptive reuse of Westfield Manor to convert the 5.20-acre parcel to fifty (50) residential units in the Adaptive Reuse overlay and R-1 zone, per Sec. 213-39.1.

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated: Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Planning Conference Room, Rm. 131 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

a.      Appeal #4850 at 24 Maple Ave., Ashley Enger, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B of side yard setback 7 ft. where 10 ft. is required for an addition in the R-1 zone.

b.       Appeal #4851 at 1437 Hanover Ave., 1437 LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-50D to allow brick and concrete as acceptable fill in the M-2 zone. 

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, July 24, 2024


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of July 10, 2024 at Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following actions:

1.   1. Conditionally Approved - Special Permit Application of Yunis Tavarez at 190 Colony Street – Per Section 213-27, Table of Uses 213-1, for a package store in the TOD-HC zone, 190 Camp Street Meriden LLC, Owner.

2.  2. Conditionally Approved - Site Plan Application of MidState Arc, Inc. at 74-84 South Broad Street – For site plan approval of a new 617 sq. ft. building with associated grading, parking, site & utility improvements, including 8,000 sq. ft. impervious surface, in the C-3 zone.

3.   3. Conditionally Approved - Site Plan Application of Mark Development, LLC at 850 Murdock Avenue – for two (2) new industrial buildings, 80,000 sq. ft. and 75,200 sq. ft., with associated grading, parking, site & utility improvements in the M-4 zone.                      

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated: July 11, 2024



Meriden Planning Commission

A Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at 6:30 P.M. at Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. #28 – 142 East Main St., Meriden, CT to consider:

Special Permit Application of Yunis Tavarez at 190 Colony Street – Per Section 213-27, Table of Uses 213-1, for a package store in the TOD-HC zone, 190 Camp Street Meriden LLC, Owner.                                            

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated: Wednesday, June 26, 2024


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of June 12, 2024 at Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following action:

Conditionally approved - Site Plan Application of JVC Homes LLC at 35 Meridian Street – For site plan approval of mixed use office and two (2) residential dwelling units with associated grading, parking, site & utility improvements in the M-3 zone.

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated: June 13, 2024           



    Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of June 5, 2024 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following action:

Application of Mark Development LLC at 850 Murdock Avenue aka 1180 Northrop Road – for proposed 80,000 sq. ft. and 75,200 sq. ft. warehouse/distribution buildings with +/- 147,283 sq. ft. 100-ft. Upland Review Area disturbance and +/- 4,810 sq. ft. Wetlands disturbance for associated clearing, grading, construction, and site improvements.  (Approved with Conditions)

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, June 6, 2024

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action 

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of June 4, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

a.  Appeal #4844 at 576 East Main St., William Mitchard, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for 4,791 sq. ft. where 12,000 sq. ft. is required for a 2-family dwelling in the R-2 zone. (Approved)

b.  Appeal #4845 at 33 Main St., Rincon Holdings, LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-48D(4) projection into a yard of 8 ft. where 4 ft. is permitted in the NCDD zone. (Approved)

c.  Appeal #4846 at 117 Lincoln St. and 13 Platt Ave., Asere Acquisitions LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for dwelling unit area requirement of 15,376sf where 25,000sf is required for ten (10) residential dwelling units in the R-3/TOD-HC zone. (Denied)

d.  Appeal #4847 at 790 Old Colony Rd. (Rear), 790 Old Colony Road LLC, Owner/Untouchable Towing LLC, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-31B(2)(c) for a repairer’s garage and towing facility in the M-3 zone. (Approved)

e.  Appeal #4848 at 318 Murray St., Karen K. Lombardi, Owner/Patricia Russell, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-18B to allow a pre-existing in-law apartment and a parking variance per Sec. 213-55 for two (2) spaces where three (3) are required in the R-1 zone. (Approved)

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Amended Legal Notice 

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

a.  Appeal #4844 at 576 East Main St., William Mitchard, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for 4,791 sq. ft. where 12,000 sq. ft. is required for a 2-family dwelling in the R-2 zone.

b.  Appeal #4845 at 33 Main St., Rincon Holdings, LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-48D(4) projection into a yard of 8 ft. where 4 ft. is permitted in the NCDD zone.

c.  Appeal #4846 at 117 Lincoln St. and 13 Platt Ave., Asere Acquisitions LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for dwelling unit area requirement of 15,376sf where 25,000sf is required for ten (10) residential dwelling units in the R-3/TOD-HC zone.

d.  Appeal #4847 at 790 Old Colony Rd. (Rear), 790 Old Colony Road LLC, Owner/Untouchable Towing LLC, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-31B(2)(c) for a repairer’s garage and towing facility in the M-3 zone.

e.  Appeal #4848 at 318 Murray St., Karen K. Lombardi, Owner/Patricia Russell, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-18B to allow a pre-existing in-law apartment and a parking variance per Sec. 213-55 for two (2) spaces where three (3) are required in the R-1 zone.

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice 

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

a.  Appeal #4844 at 576 East Main St., William Mitchard, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for 4,791 sq. ft. where 12,000 sq. ft. is required for a 2-family dwelling in the R-2 zone.

b.  Appeal #4845 at 33 Main St., Rincon Holdings, LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-48D(4) projection into a yard of 8 ft. where 4 ft. is permitted in the NCDD zone.

c.  Appeal #4846 at 117 Lincoln St. and 13 Platt Ave., Asere Acquisitions LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for dwelling unit area requirement of 15,376sf where 25,000sf is required for ten (10) residential dwelling units in the R-3/TOD-HC zone.

d.  Appeal #4847 at 790 Old Colony Rd. (Rear), Saleem Khan, Owner/Untouchable Towing LLC, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-31B(2)(c) for a repairer’s garage and towing facility in the M-3 zone.

e.       Appeal #4848 at 318 Murray St., Karen K. Lombardi, Owner/Patricia Russell, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-18B to allow a pre-existing in-law apartment and a parking variance per Sec. 213-55 for two (2) spaces where three (3) are required in the R-1 zone.

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, May 22, 2024


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of May 8, 2024 at Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following action:

Conditionally Approved- Site Plan Modification Application of LaRosa Construction Co. Inc. at 1415 North Colony Road – For modification of approved site plan to waive the sidewalk requirement in the M-1 zone.                     

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated: May 9, 2024

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of May 7, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following action:

a.      Appeal #4843 at 128 Eaton Ave., Alfred and Liane Liseo Jr, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for side yard setback of 6 ft. where 10 ft. is required for an addition in the R-1 zone. (Approved)

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, May 8, 2024



Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of May 1, 2024 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following action:

A.    Application of City of Meriden at Research Parkway Right-of-Way – for a multi-use trail along the western side of Research Parkway, located within the 100 ft. upland review area of Foster’s Pond and Willow Brook and no proposed impacts to the wetlands.  (Deemed Summary and Approved)

B.     Floodplain Permit Application of City of Meriden at Research Parkway Right-of-Way - for a multi-use trail along the western side of Research Parkway (to be heard concurrently with the IWWC application).  (Approved)

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, May 2, 2024

CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection

Legal Notice

The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s Fisheries Division is currently in the process of amending some Connecticut inland sport fishing regulations. A new (as of 6/29/2023) provision of Section 26-113 of the General Statutes of Connecticut requires the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection to provide to each municipality for posting on its website a copy of a notice published in newspapers throughout the state concerning the May 8 public hearing for these regulations.


Included in this information is the full Notice of Intent document as it includes more information concerning the proposed changes to DEEP's regulations, including a summary of the proposed changes.

Bill Foreman, Fisheries Division, CT DEEP

Dated: Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

a.   Appeal #4843 at 128 Eaton Ave., Alfred and Liane Liseo Jr, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for side yard setback of 6 ft. where 10 ft. is required for an addition in the R-1 zone.

b.  Appeal #4844 at 576 East Main St., William Mitchard, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for 4,791 sq. ft. where 12,000 sq. ft. is required for a 2-family dwelling in the R-2 zone.

c.  Appeal #4845 at 33 Main St., Rincon Holdings, LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-48D(4) projection into a yard of 8 ft. where 4 ft. is permitted in the NCDD zone.

d.  Appeal #4846 at 117 Lincoln St. and 13 Platt Ave., Asere Acquisitions LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for dwelling unit area requirement of 15,376sf where 25,000sf is required for ten (10) residential dwelling units in the R-3/TOD-HC zone.

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, April 24, 2024



The Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Room 28, Meriden City Hall, 142 East Main St., on the following application: 

Application of Mark Development LLC at 850 Murdock Avenue aka 1180 Northrop Road – for proposed 80,000 sq. ft. and 75,200 sq. ft. warehouse/distribution buildings with +/- 147,283 sq. ft. 100-ft. Upland Review Area disturbance and +/- 4,810 sq. ft. Wetlands disturbance for associated clearing, grading, construction, and site improvements. 

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated: Wednesday, April 17, 2024


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of April 10, 2024 at Meriden City Hall – Planning Conference Room, Rm. 131, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following actions: 

Conditionally approved- Fill Permit Application of Ashley Enger at 24 Maple Avenue – for filling approximately 560 cu. yds. and regrading with associated storm water management remediation and erosion and sediment control in the R-1 zone. 

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated: April 11, 2024

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action


The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of April 2, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Planning Conference Room, Rm. 131 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

a. Appeal #4841 at 190 and 204 Camp St., Camp Street Properties LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-61A for change of existing non-conforming use to restaurant and bakery in the R-3 zone. (Approved)

 b.  Appeal #4842 at 117 Lincoln St. and 13 Platt Ave., Asere Acquisitions LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for dwelling unit area requirement of 15,376sf where 30,000sf is required for twelve (12) residential dwelling units in the R-3/TOD-HC zone. (Denied without Prejudice)


Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Thursday, April 4, 2024

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Planning Conference Room, Rm. 131 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

a. Appeal #4841 at 190 and 204 Camp St., Camp Street Properties LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-61A for change of existing non-conforming use to restaurant and bakery in the R-3 zone.

b. Appeal #4842 at 117 Lincoln St. and 13 Platt Ave., Asere Acquisitions LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for dwelling unit area requirement of 15,376sf where 30,000sf is required for twelve (12) residential dwelling units in the R-3/TOD-HC zone.                                                          

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, March 20, 2024


Public Notice: Meriden Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Goals for Meriden Airport

There will be a Teams meeting Wed., March 27, at 10 a.m., to discuss the City of Meriden Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation goal of 2.43% for FAA-funded contracts/agreements at the Meriden Markham Airport.



The Meriden Aquifer Protection Agency at its regular meeting of March 13, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in Meriden City Hall – Planning Conference Room, Room 131 – 142 East Main St., Meriden, CT, took the following actions relative to the following applications:

a.      APPROVED - APA Registration Renewal for 561 West Main St. – Citgo Food Bag # 507 

b.      APPROVED - APA Registration Renewal for 70 &120 Gracey Avenue – Central CT Tank Fabrication and Truck Repair, LLC.

c.       APPROVED - APA Registration Renewal for 36 Duffy Avenue – Macri Roofing

d.      APPROVED - APA Registration Renewal for 210 & 240 Cheshire Road – International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 478

e.       APPROVED - APA Registration Renewal for 583 West Main Street – Meriden Premium Gas, LLC (Shell)

f.        APPROVED - APA Registration Renewal for 652 West Main Street – Esposito’s Automotive, LLC

g.      APPROVED - APA Registration Renewal for 435 Lewis Avenue – MidState Medical Center         

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated: March 14, 2024



The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of February 14, 2024 at Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following actions:

1.   Conditionally Approved - Site Plan Modification Application of A.R. Building Company Inc. at 406 Bee Street – to add 17 dwelling units to a previously approved 90-unit multi-family development in the R-4 zone.

2.  Conditionally Approved - Site Plan Application of Hakeem Management at 1015 Broad Street – for a 2,306 sq. ft. addition including a 360 sq. ft. first floor cooler and a 598 sq. ft. second floor office in the C-3 zone.

3.   Consistent with the POCD - Roadway Acceptance Request of LaRosa Construction Co., Inc. at Sunset Ridge Subdivision - Williams Street and Genest Street.

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated: February 15, 2024



Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of February 7, 2024 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following action:

 A.    Floodplain Permit Application of Hakeem Management LLC at 1015 Broad Street (Approved)

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, February 8, 2024

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following application:

 a. Appeal #4840 at 142 Britannia St., JLEO Construction LLC, Owner/Juan Carlos Leon, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B of 8,712 sq. ft. where 10,000 sq. ft. is required to add a second residential unit in the R-3 zone. 

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, January 24, 2024



Notice Of Action

At its Regular Meeting of January 3, 2024 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following action: 

Application of Paul Gilmartin at 554 Paddock Avenue – Application for a new 2,252 sq. ft. single family dwelling located within the 100 ft. upland review area.  (Deemed Summary Activity and Approved with Conditions)

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, January 4, 2024

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action 

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of January 2, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

a.  Appeal #4837 at 72-78 East Main St., Seventies on Main, LLC, Owner/Applicant.   Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-27 for 13 additional residential units (Approved) and requesting a parking variance per Sec. 213-55 for 13 parking spaces where 53 parking spaces are required for mixed use in the TOD-Park zone. (Approved)

b.  Appeal #4838 at 44 William Ave., The Right To Bear Arms, LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B(2)(f) for conversion of a single family dwelling to a two-family in the R-1 zone. (Denied)

c. Appeal #4839 at 160 West Main St., 160 W Main St Holdings LLC, Owner/Yakov Levitas PE 33882, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-23 for 4 additional residential units (Approved) and requesting a parking variance per Sec. 213-55 for 0 parking spaces where 10 parking spaces are required for mixed use in the C-1 zone. (Approved)

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

a.  Appeal #4837 at 72-78 East Main St., Seventies on Main, LLC, Owner/Applicant.   Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-27 for 13 additional residential units and requesting a parking variance per Sec. 213-55 for 13 parking spaces where 53 parking spaces are required for mixed use in the TOD-Park zone.

b.  Appeal #4838 at 44 William Ave., The Right To Bear Arms, LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B(2)(f) for conversion of a single family dwelling to a two-family in the R-1 zone.

c.  Appeal #4839 at 160 West Main St., 160 W Main St Holdings LLC, Owner/Yakov Levitas PE 33882, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-23 for 4 additional residential units and requesting a parking variance per Sec. 213-55 for 0 parking spaces where 10 parking spaces are required for mixed use in the C-1 zone.

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action 

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of December 5, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

a.      Appeal #4832 at 124 Camp St., Ana Landy, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B of 7,840 sq. ft. where 15,000 sq. ft. is required for a 4-unit dwelling in the R-4 zone. (Denied without Prejudice) 

b.      Appeal #4833 at 217 Douglas Dr., Ronny A. Espinal-Perez and Michele Espinal, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for a front yard setback of 17 ft. where 25 ft. is required and a front yard setback of 24.3 ft. where 25 ft. is required in the R-1 zone. (Approved) 

c.       Appeal #4834 at 71 Cutlery Ave., Bashkim Vinca, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B(2)(f) for conversion of a single family dwelling to a two-family in the R-1 zone. (Approved with Condition) 

d.      Appeal #4835 at 54 Clinton St., Robert Ferrie Sr and Susan M. Williams, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-19B(2)(b) for the keeping of farm animals (potbelly mini pig) in the R-2 zone. (Approved) 

e.       Appeal #4836 at 365 Crown St., The Curtis Home, Owner/3 Squared, LLC, Applicant. Requesting site plan approval per Sec. 213-72 (Approved) and a special exception per Sec. 213-19B(2)(k) for a 21-unit garden-type multiple-family development in the R-2 zone. (Approved)

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, December 6, 2023 

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

 a. Appeal #4833 at 217 Douglas Dr., Ronny A. Espinal-Perez and Michele Espinal, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for a front yard setback of 17 ft. where 25 ft. is required and a front yard setback of 24.3 ft. where 25 ft. is required in the R-1 zone.

b. Appeal #4834 at 71 Cutlery Ave., Bashkim Vinca, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B(2)(f) for conversion of a single family dwelling to a two-family in the R-1 zone.

c.  Appeal #4835 at 54 Clinton St., Robert Ferrie Sr and Susan M. Williams, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-19B(2)(b) for the keeping of farm animals (potbelly mini pig) in the R-2 zone.

d. Appeal #4836 at 365 Crown St., The Curtis Home, Owner/3 Squared, LLC, Applicant. Requesting site plan approval per Sec. 213-72 and a special exception per Sec. 213-19B(2)(k) for a 21-unit garden-type multiple-family development in the R-2 zone.

e.  Appeal #4838 at 44 William Ave., The Right To Bear Arms, LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B(2)(f) for conversion of a single family dwelling to a two-family in the R-1 zone.  

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, November 22, 2023


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of November 8, 2023 at Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following action:

Conditionally approved- Site Plan Application of First Student at 65 Hicks Avenue – for change of use warehouse/storage to bus yard in the M-2/R-1 zone.

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated: November 9, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action


The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of November 6, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Planning Conference Room, Rm. 131 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

a.  Appeal #4826 at 606 Pomeroy Ave., Joseph Ernest Crowell, Owner/G.T. Silver City Tire Co. Inc. dba GT Tire & Service Center, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-30B(2)(e) for a repairer’s garage in the M-2 zone. (Approved)

b. Appeal #4827 at 380 So. Broad St., Bette Platt, Owner/Smart Buy Auto Sales, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-56C for additional signage (13 wall signs) to allow 186.5 sq. ft. where 164 sq. ft. is allowed in the C-3 zone. (Approved)

c.  Appeal #4828 at 45 Golden St., 45GOLDENST LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-30B(2)(e) for a repairer’s garage in the M-2 zone. (Approved)

d.  Appeal #4829 at 65 Hicks Ave., CRW Systems Inc., Owner/First Student, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-30B for a bus yard with office in the M-2/R-1 zone. (Approved)

e.  Appeal #4830 at 469 East Main St., Brent & Shari Madho, Owners/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-18B from mixed use to eight (8) professional offices in the R-1 zone. (Approved)

f.   Appeal #4831 at 470 Lewis Ave., Meriden Realty LLC 97.75% & Meriden Nassim LLC 1.25% & et al Namdar Realty Group LLC, Owners/Pickleball Meriden, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec 213-25(2)(f) for an indoor recreation (pickleball) facility in the C-2 zone. (Approved)

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice


 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 6, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

 a.      Appeal #4826 at 606 Pomeroy Ave., Joseph Ernest Crowell, Owner/G.T. Silver City Tire Co. Inc. dba GT Tire & Service Center, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-30B(2)(e) for a repairer’s garage in the M-2 zone.

b.      Appeal #4827 at 380 So. Broad St., Bette Platt, Owner/Smart Buy Auto Sales, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-56C for additional signage (13 wall signs) to allow 186.5 sq. ft. where 164 sq. ft. is allowed in the C-3 zone.

c.       Appeal #4828 at 45 Golden St., 45GOLDENST LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-30B(2)(e) for a repairer’s garage in the M-2 zone.

d.      Appeal #4829 at 65 Hicks Ave., CRW Systems Inc., Owner/First Student, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-30B for a bus yard with office in the M-2/R-1 zone.

e.       Appeal #4830 at 469 East Main St., Brent & Shari Madho, Owners/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-18B from mixed use to eight (8) professional offices in the R-1 zone.

f.        Appeal #4831 at 470 Lewis Ave., Meriden Realty LLC 97.75% & Meriden Nassim LLC 1.25% & et al Namdar Realty Group LLC, Owners/Pickleball Meriden, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec 213-25(2)(f) for an indoor recreation (pickleball) facility in the C-2 zone.

g.      Appeal #4832 at 124 Camp St., Ana Landy, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B of 7,840 sq. ft. where 15,000 sq. ft. is required for a 4-unit dwelling in the R-4 zone. 

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, October 27, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Hybrid Public Hearing on Monday, November 6, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

 a.      Appeal #4826 at 606 Pomeroy Ave., Joseph Ernest Crowell, Owner/G.T. Silver City Tire Co. Inc. dba GT Tire & Service Center, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-30B(2)(e) for a repairer’s garage in the M-2 zone.

b.      Appeal #4827 at 380 So. Broad St., Bette Platt, Owner/Smart Buy Auto Sales, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-56C for additional signage (13 wall signs) to allow 186.5 sq. ft. where 164 sq. ft. is allowed in the C-3 zone.

c.       Appeal #4828 at 45 Golden St., 45GOLDENST LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-30B(2)(e) for a repairer’s garage in the M-2 zone.

d.      Appeal #4829 at 65 Hicks Ave., CRW Systems Inc., Owner/First Student, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-30B for a bus yard with office in the M-2/R-1 zone.

e.       Appeal #4830 at 469 East Main St., Brent & Shari Madho, Owners/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-18B from mixed use to eight (8) professional offices in the R-1 zone.

f.        Appeal #4831 at 470 Lewis Ave., Meriden Realty LLC 97.75% & Meriden Nassim LLC 1.25% & et al Namdar Realty Group LLC, Owners/Pickleball Meriden, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec 213-25(2)(f) for an indoor recreation (pickleball) facility in the C-2 zone.

g.      Appeal #4832 at 124 Camp St., Ana Landy, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B of 7,840 sq. ft. where 15,000 sq. ft. is required for a 4-unit dwelling in the R-4 zone.

 For a direct link to the meeting, follow the link for the ZBA meeting found on the calendar on the City of Meriden website or click on this link to the live meeting event:

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, October 25, 2023


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of October 11, 2023 at Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following actions:

1. Approved - Site Plan Application of 19 Goodwill LLC at 19 Goodwill Avenue – for conversion of a convent to a multi-family development with 16 units in the C-1 zone.

2. Approved with Conditions - Fill Permit Application of James Vitali at 1437 Hanover Avenue – for proposed filling (21,500 cu. yds.) and regrading with associated erosion and sediment control for future site development in the M-2 zone.

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated: October 12, 2023



Notice of Agent Action 

a.      Application of City of Meriden at 70 Overlook Road – Application to replace two (2) existing sheds (8’ x 10’ and 10’ x 15’) with one (1) new 24’ x 24’ shed in the upland review area. (Administratively Approved with Conditions)  

b.      Application of Outfront Media, LLC at 243 Colony Street – application for conversion of two (2) static face billboards to two (2) digital face units on existing billboard structure with access and construction activity within the upland review area. (Administratively Approved with Conditions)

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, October 12, 2023







NOTICE IS GIVEN a draft of the 2022 (PY48) Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for the City of Meriden has been completed and will be available for a 15-day public review period.  Notice is also given a public hearing will be held to review and discuss the contents of the draft CAPER.

The CAPER reports on accomplishments and expenditures for the City’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program as required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  In PY48, the City was allocated $979,930 in CDBG annual allocation funds and had $367,531 in Revolving Loan Funds to address the priority needs of low- to moderate-income residents with public facilities and infrastructure improvements, affordable housing, public services, and economic development opportunities. PY48 started on July 1, 2022 and ended on June 30, 2023.

PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: Citizens are invited to review and make comments on the draft CAPER. During the Public Comment Period, a copy of the draft CAPER is available in the Office of Community Development, Room 134, City Hall, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT 06450 as well as on the Community Development website at: Written comments on the CAPER will be accepted for 15 days beginning October 10, 2023 through October 24, 2023 until 4:30PM EST. 

PUBLIC HEARING: A public hearing will be held virtually and in-person on October 25, 2023 at 5:00 PM EST.  This means citizens will have the ability to meet in person at the Council Chambers, Room 206 at City Hall or online via Microsoft Teams in real time through the internet on a computer or other electronic device via this link:

For more information on how to participate at the public hearing please call Jeanette Allam, Community Development & Grants Administrator at (203) 630-4151 or email at or on the Community Development website as listed above. 

Accommodations will be made for non-English speakers and/or those with disabilities upon request. Please contact Jeanette Allam, Community Development & Grants Administrator, at the address and/or telephone number listed above at least 24 hours prior to the hearing, if auxiliary aids are required.

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action 

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of October 3, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

a.      Appeal #4816 at 450 Lewis Ave., Meriden Realty LLC 97.75% & Meriden Nassim LLC 1.25% & et al Namdar Realty Group LLC, Owners/Fork Plus Band Slingshot LLC, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-25B(2)(j) for an indoor commercial amusement arcade in the C-2 zone. (Approved)

b.      Appeal #4818 at 1173 & 1187 No. Broad St., North Broad Park LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a site plan modification per Sec. 213-72A(2)(b) for a lot line revision in the R-1 zone. (Approved)

c.       Appeal #4820 at 231 West Main St., Donaciano and Maricela Macareno, Owners/Arcangel Auto Body and Repair, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-23B(2)(a) for an auto body repair facility in the C-1/R-2 zone (Approved with Conditions) and requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for general repairer’s license in the C-1/R-2 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT).  (Approved with Conditions)

d.      Appeal #4821 at 1821 No. Broad St., DSI1 and Deborah A. Pepe, Owner/Denis Ibra dba Essential Motors LLC, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for used car dealership and general repairer’s license in the C-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT). (Approved with Conditions)

e.       Appeal #4822 at 193 So. Colony St., Paulas Twel12ve Properties, Owner/Paula and Ryan Murphy, Applicants. Requesting two front yard variances per Sec. 213- 12B of 13.7 ft. and 9.9 ft. where 25 ft. is required, and a side yard variance per Sec. 213-12B of 2.3 ft. where 20 ft. is required in the M-3 zone. (Approved)

f.        Appeal #4823 at 1 Barristers Ct., Mohammed H. Popal, owner/applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-27, Table 213-1, for one (1) first floor dwelling unit in the TOD-HC zone. (Approved)

g.      Appeal #4825 at 260 Bunker Ave., Miguel A. Montijo Jr., Owner/Aibeth Trujillo-Gaston, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for general repairer’s license in the R-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT). (Approved with Conditions) 

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 3, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

a.      Appeal #4820 at 231 West Main St., Donaciano and Maricela Macareno, Owners/Arcangel Auto Body and Repair, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-23B(2)(a) for an auto body repair facility in the C-1/R-2 zone and requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for general repairer’s license in the C-1/R-2 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT).

b.      Appeal #4822 at 193 So. Colony St., Paulas Twel12ve Properties, Owner/Paula and Ryan Murphy, Applicants. Requesting two front yard variances per Sec. 213- 12B of 13.7 ft. and 9.9 ft. where 25 ft. is required, and a side yard variance per Sec. 213-12B of 2.3 ft. where 20 ft. is required in the M-3 zone.

c.       Appeal #4823 at 1 Barristers Ct., Mohammed H. Popal, owner/applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-27, Table 213-1, for two (2) first floor dwelling units in the TOD-HC zone.

d.      Appeal #4825 at 260 Bunker Ave., Miguel A. Montijo Jr., Owner/Aibeth Trujillo-Gaston, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-20B for mixed use to add a muffler shop in the R-3 zone.                                                                   

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, September 20, 2023


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of September 13, 2023 at Meriden City Hall –Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28, 142 East Main Street, CT took the following actions:

1.      Conditionally approved – Site Plan Modification of Mark Development, LLC at 850 Murdock Avenue (aka 1107 Northrop Road) to expand the north parking area to 180 spaces in the M-4 zone.                                                         

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated: September 14, 2023



Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of September 6, 2023 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following actions

A.    Application of Juan Daniel Hernandez at 193 Cynrose Place – for a single family dwelling in the upland review area of a regulated wetland. (Deemed Summary Activity and Approved with Conditions)

B.     Application of Mark Development LLC at 850 Murdock Road (aka 1107 Northrop Road) – for expansion of northerly parking lot to 180 spaces and utility improvements impacting an additional 25,887 sq. ft. of the upland review area (modification of previously approved application #IWWC22-0049). (Deemed Summary Activity and Approved with Conditions)

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, September 7, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action 

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of September 5, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

a.      Appeal #4814 at 365 Crown St., The Curtis Home, Owner/3 Squared, LLC, Applicant. Requesting site plan approval per Sec. 213-72 (Action) and a special exception per Sec. 213-19B(2)(k) for a 21-unit garden-type multiple-family development in the R-2 zone. (Denied without Prejudice) 

b.      Appeal #4815 at 1147 No. Colony Rd., Elias & Patricia Rivera, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B(2)(b) for the keeping of farm animals in the R-1 zone. (Approved with Conditions) 

c.       Appeal #4817 at 48 Lewis Ave., Purian Solutions LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for lot area of 6,534 sq. ft. where 12,000 sq. ft. are required for a 3-family dwelling in the R-2 zone. (Approved with Condition) 

d.      Appeal #4819 at 35 Meridian St., JVC Homes LLC, Owner, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-31 to allow two (2) additional apartments in the M-3 zone. (Approved with Condition)

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

a. Appeal #4815 at 1147 No. Colony Rd., Elias & Patricia Rivera, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B(2)(b) for the keeping of farm animals in the R-1 zone

b. Appeal #4816 at 450 Lewis Ave., Meriden Realty LLC 97.75% & Meriden Nassim LLC 1.25% & et al Namdar Realty Group LLC, Owners/Fork Plus Band Slingshot LLC, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-25B(2)(j) for an indoor commercial amusement arcade in the C-2 zone

c. Appeal #4817 at 48 Lewis Ave., Purian Solutions LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for lot area of 6,534 sq. ft. where 12,000 sq. ft. are required for a 3-family dwelling in the R-2 zone.

d. Appeal #4819 at 35 Meridian St., JVC Homes LLC, Owner, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-31 to allow two (2) additional apartments in the M-3 zone.

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action 

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of August 1, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions

a.  Appeal #4809 at 159 West Main St., Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish Corp., Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-55(K) for reduction of nonconforming parking spaces from 84 to 22 parking spaces in the C-1 zone. (Approved)

b.  Appeal #4812 at 316 Columbus Ave., Cari Elizabeth Edwards, Owner/Christopher Romano, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B (2) (e) for a home occupation in the R-1 zone. (Approved with Conditions) 

c.  Appeal #4813 at 143 Glen Hills Rd., Brandon P. Starr & Fermina Santana Castro, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for side yard setback of 0.5 ft. where 10 ft. is required for a carport extension and pergola (Approved), and a variance per Sec. 213-12B for lot coverage of 30% where 25% is required in the R-1 zone. (Approved)

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications: 

a. Appeal #4809 at 159 West Main St., Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish Corp., Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-55(K) for reduction of nonconforming parking spaces from 84 to 22 parking spaces in the C-1 zone.

b. Appeal #4812 at 316 Columbus Ave., Cari Elizabeth Edwards, Owner/Christopher Romano, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B (2) (e) for a home occupation in the R-1 zone.

c. Appeal #4813 at 143 Glen Hills Rd., Brandon P. Starr & Fermina Santana Castro, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for side yard setback of 0.5 ft. where 10 ft. is required for a carport extension and pergola, and a variance per Sec. 213-12B for lot coverage of 30% where 25% is required in the R-1 zone.

d. Appeal #4814 at 365 Crown St., The Curtis Home, Owner/3 Squared, LLC, Applicant. Requesting site plan approval per Sec. 213-72 and a special exception per Sec. 213-19B(2)(k) for a 21-unit garden-type multiple-family development in the R-2 zone.   

Chairman Bruce Burchsted 

Dated:  Wednesday, July 19, 2023


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Special Meeting of June 28, 2023 at Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following action:

 Conditionally approved- Site Plan Application of Regency Towers, LLC at 37 Parker Avenue North – For a 70-unit multi-family residential development in the R-2/R-4 zone. 

Monica Sims, Planning Director

Dated: June 29, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following application:

  1. Appeal #4809 at 159 West Main St., Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish Corp., Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-55(K) for reduction of nonconforming parking spaces from 84 to 22 parking spaces in the C-1 zone.

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action


The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of June 6, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

a. Appeal #4805 at 320 East Main St., Laila Inc., Owner/Ahmad Noori, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-55 off street parking for 7 spaces where 13 are required for mixed-use in the C-1 zone. (Approved)

b. Appeal #4806 at 59 Paddock Ave., Sherri A. Frasco, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-48G(1) to expand the height of an accessory structure to 19.7 ft. where 15 ft. is required in the R-1 zone. (Approved with Conditions)

c. Appeal #4807 at 20 Hinman St., Elizabeth Williams, Owner/Karin Elliese Williams, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-20 for the keeping of chickens in the R-3 zone. (Approved)

d. Appeal #4808 at 1090 Hanover Ave., Bryan & Shannon Kane, Owners/Applicants.  Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-55K for reduction in parking spaces of 22 where 27 are required for a restaurant and sports facility(Approved), and a variance per Sec. 213-12B for front yard setback of 13.9 ft. where 15 ft. is required for an addition in the C-2 zone. (Approved)

e. Appeal #4811 at 613 East Main Street, 613 East Main, LLC, Owner/Gregory Harkins, Applicant. Requesting a side yard variance per Sec. 213-12B for 6 ft. where 15 ft. is required (Denied without Prejudice) and a use variance per Sec. 213-25 for a pet crematory in the C-2 zone. (Denied without Prejudice) 

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications: 

a.  Appeal #4805 at 320 East Main St., Laila Inc., Owner/Ahmad Noori, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-55 off street parking for 7 spaces where 13 are required for mixed-use in the C-1 zone.

b.  Appeal #4806 at 59 Paddock Ave., Sherri A. Frasco, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-48G(1) to expand the height of an accessory structure to 19.7 ft. where 15 ft. is required in the R-1 zone.

c.  Appeal #4807 at 20 Hinman St., Elizabeth Williams, Owner/Karin Elliese Williams, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-20 for the keeping of chickens in the R-3 zone.

d. Appeal #4808 at 1090 Hanover Ave., Bryan & Shannon Kane, Owners/Applicants.  Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-55K for reduction in parking spaces of 22 where 27 are required for a restaurant and sports facility, and a variance per Sec. 213-12B for front yard setback of 13.9 ft. where 15 ft. is required for an addition in the C-2 zone.

e. Appeal #4809 at 159 West Main St., Our Lady Queen of Angels Parish Corp., Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-55(K) for reduction of nonconforming parking spaces from 84 to 22 parking spaces in the C-1 zone.

f.  Appeal #4810 at 33 Main St., Rincon Holdings, LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for building height of 42 ft. where 35 ft. is required in the NCDD zone.

g.  Appeal #4811 at 613 East Main Street, 613 East Main, LLC, Owner/Gregory Harkins, Applicant. Requesting a side yard variance per Sec. 213-12B for 6 ft. where 15 ft. is required and a use variance per Sec. 213-25 for a pet crematory in the C-2 zone.                                                                

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action 

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of May 2, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

a. Appeal #4802 at 1265 East Main St., GLEM LLC, Owner/Michele McHugh, Applicant. Requesting a use variance per Sec. 213-25B(1) for a dog daycare, grooming and boarding facility in the C-2 zone. (Approved with Condition)

b. Appeal #4804 at 625 Preston Ave., Casandra Roman & Patricia C. Acevedo, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B(2)(b) for the keeping of farm animals (goats) in the R-1 zone. (Approved with Conditions) 

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice 

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

  1. Appeal #4802 at 1265 East Main St., GLEM LLC, Owner/Michele McHugh, Applicant. Requesting a use variance per Sec. 213-25B(1) for a dog daycare, grooming and boarding facility in the C-2 zone.
  2. Appeal #4803 at 763 Hanover Rd., Titan Partners LLC, Owner/Melgio, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-25B(2)(f) for a recreation center in the C-2 zone.
  3. Appeal #4804 at 625 Preston Ave., Casandra Roman & Patricia C. Acevedo, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B(2)(b) for the keeping of farm animals (goats) in the R-1 zone.

Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated: Wednesday, April 19, 2023


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of April 12, 2023 at Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following actions:

1.   Conditionally approved- Site Plan Application of Operating Engineers Local 478 at 600 South Mountain Drive – for heavy equipment outdoor training site and associated site improvements in the PDD zone

2.   Approved - release of surety bond at 249 Hanover Street 

3.   Approved - release of erosion control bond, release of surety bond, and reduction of site plan bond at 58 Leonard Street 

                                                                                    Monica Sims, Planning Director

                                                                                    Dated: April 13, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action


The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of April 4, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

Appeal #4801 at 450 West Main St. (Bldg. 3), Hunter Family Limited Partnership, Owner/Hunter’s Ambulance Service, Inc., Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for general repairer’s license in the C-2 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Approved)


Chairman Bruce Burchsted

Dated:  Wednesday, April 5, 2023 

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following application:

 Appeal #4801 at 450 West Main St. (Bldg. 3), Hunter Family Limited Partnership, Owner/Hunter’s Ambulance Service, Inc., Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for general repairer’s license in the C-2 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action


The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of March 7, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

a.  Appeal #4795 at 890 Old Colony Rd., Luis Fernando Lopez, Owner/Applicant.  An appeal of the Zoning Enforcement Officer’s decision, per Sec. 213-42 in the M-3 zone. (Upheld the Decision of the ZEO)

b.  Appeal #4796 at 47 Hampshire Rd., Keith Clinton, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B(2)(e) for a home occupation FFL in the R-1 zone. (Approved with Conditions)

c.  Appeal #4797 at 115 Wilcox Ave., Paula Murphy and Ryan Murphy, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B of 5,227 sq. ft. where 8,000 sq. ft. is required, to convert a single-family dwelling to a two-family dwelling in the RH (R-2) zone. (Approved with Conditions)

d.  Appeal #4798 at 1 Prestige Dr., The Prestige Property Group LLC, Owner/Vanessa M. Torres, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-25(2)(f) for a rental event facility in the C-2 zone. (Approved with Conditions)

e.  Appeal #4799 at 28 Gravel St., Richard D. Saks & Elizabeth A. Saks, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-25B to permit mixed-use office/residential in the C-3 zone. (Approved)

f.  Appeal #4800 at 380 So. Broad St., Bette Platt, Owner/Smart Buy Auto Sales, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for used car dealer license in the C-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Approved with Conditions)

g.  Application of CSRE at 1149 East Main Street – Site plan modification of a previously approved site plan for installation of an in-ground pool and relocation of an existing gazebo in the C-2 zone. (Approval of Administrative Sign-off)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, March 8, 2023



Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of March 1, 2023 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following actions: 

Application of City of Meriden at 999 West Main Street –for Hubbard Park lower pond aquatic habitat restoration and maintenance dredging project. (Approved)

Brian Ennis, City Engineer

Dated:   Thursday, March 2, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

a.      Appeal #4795 at 890 Old Colony Rd., Luis Fernando Lopez, Owner/Applicant.  An appeal of the Zoning Enforcement Officer’s decision, per Sec. 213-42 in the M-3 zone.

b.      Appeal #4796 at 47 Hampshire Rd., Keith Clinton, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B(2)(e) for a home occupation FFL in the R-1 zone.

c.       Appeal #4797 at 115 Wilcox Ave., Paula Murphy and Ryan Murphy, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B of 5,227 sq. ft. where 8,000 sq. ft. is required, to convert a single-family dwelling to a two-family dwelling in the RH (R-2) zone.

d.      Appeal #4798 at 1 Prestige Dr., The Prestige Property Group LLC, Owner/Vanessa M. Torres, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-25(2)(f) for a rental event facility in the C-2 zone.

e.       Appeal #4799 at 28 Gravel St., Richard D. Saks & Elizabeth A. Saks, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-25B to permit mixed-use office/residential in the C-3 zone.

f.        Appeal #4800 at 380 So. Broad St., Bette Platt, Owner/Smart Buy Auto Sales, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for used car dealer license in the C-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, February 22, 2023



The Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at Room 28, Meriden City Hall, 142 East Main St., on the following application:

 Application of City of Meriden at 999 West Main Street –for Hubbard Park lower pond aquatic habitat restoration and maintenance dredging project.

Brian Grubb, Assistant Planning Director

Dated: Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of February 7, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

  1. Appeal #4785 at 577 South Broad St., COLELLA LLC, Owner/Hutton Street 21 LLC, Applicant. Requesting site plan approval per Sec. 213-72 (Approved) and a special exception per Sec. 213-25B(2)(b) for an automobile wash facility in the C-3 zone. (Approved)
  2. Appeal #4788 at 115 Wilcox Ave., Ryan Murphy and Paula Murphy, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B of 5,227 sq. ft. where 12,000 sq. ft. is required, to convert a single-family dwelling to a three-family dwelling in the RH (R-2) zone. (Denied without Prejudice)
  3. Appeal #4792 at 109 Sherman Ave., Maria Calle, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B of 4,356 sq. ft. where 10,000 sq. ft. is required to convert a commercial space to one (1) residential unit in the R-3 zone. (Approved)
  4. Appeal #4793 at 515 Broad St. aka 521 Broad St., Ishavidhi, LLC, Owner/ Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-23B (2) (k) to allow change of use from a bar to a dwelling unit in a commercial building in the C-1 zone. (Approved)
  5. Appeal #4794 at 31 and 35 Bee St., Richard Saks & Elizabeth Saks, Owners/Liberty Auto LLC, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for used car dealer license in the C-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Approved with Conditions)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr

Dated:  Wednesday, February 8, 2023




Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of February 1, 2023 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following actions:

A.    Application of City of Meriden at 999 West Main Street –for Hubbard Park lower pond aquatic habitat restoration and maintenance dredging project. (Deemed Plenary and Tabled)

B.     Determination of Activity (Declaratory Ruling) - City of Meriden Parks Department – Baldwin’s Pond proposed aquatic plant management program by All Habitat Services (Deemed  an As-Of-Right Activity for routine maintenance)

Notice of Agent Action

Quinnipiac River Trail Parking Lot at Dawson’s Beach – for underdrain installation at parking lot for erosion control (Administratively Approved)

Paul A. Dickson, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, February 2, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

  1. Appeal #4785 at 577 South Broad St., COLELLA LLC, Owner/Hutton Street 21 LLC, Applicant. Requesting site plan approval per Sec. 213-72 and a special exception per Sec. 213-25B(2)(b) for an automobile wash facility in the C-3 zone.
  2. Appeal #4788 at 115 Wilcox Ave., Ryan Murphy and Paula Murphy, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B of 5,227 sq. ft. where 12,000 sq. ft. is required, to convert a single-family dwelling to a three-family dwelling in the RH (R-2) zone.
  3. Appeal #4792 at 109 Sherman Ave., Maria Calle, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B of 4,356 sq. ft. where 10,000 sq. ft. is required to convert a commercial space to one (1) residential unit in the R-3 zone.
  4. Appeal #4793 at 515 Broad St. aka 521 Broad St., Ishavidhi, LLC, Owner/ Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-23B (2) (k) to allow change of use from a bar to a dwelling unit in a commercial building in the C-1 zone.  
  5. Appeal #4794 at 31 and 35 Bee St., Richard Saks & Elizabeth Saks, Owners/Liberty Auto LLC, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for used car dealer license in the C-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) 

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, January 25, 2023



    Notice of Agent Action

Application of A.R. Building Company Inc. at 406 Bee Street – for modification to approved site plan. (Administratively Approved on 1/13/23)

Paul A. Dickson, Wetland Agent

Dated:   Wednesday, January 18, 2023


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of January 11, 2023 at Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following actions:

  1. Conditionally approved - Site Plan Application of Outfront Media, LLC at 311 Murdock Avenue – application to convert one face of an existing static billboard to digital in the Billboard Overlay Zone (M-1 zone).
  2. Conditionally approved - Site Plan Application of RINCON HOLDINGS, LLC at 33 Main Street - for a twenty-four (24) unit multi-family residential development with associated utilities, grading, and parking in the NCDD zone.
  3. Deemed minor in nature and approved - Special Exception Modification Application of Willow Brook Wellness, LLC dba Zen Leaf Meriden at 1371 East Main Street – For modification of previously approved provisional special exception for Hybrid Retail Cannabis Establishment hours of operation per Sec. 213-73.1.

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: January 12, 2023



Notice of Agent Action

Application of Outfront Media, LLC at 311 Murdock Avenue – application to install one (1) digital billboard face on an existing billboard structure with access and construction activity within the upland review area. (Administratively Approved on 1/11/23)

Paul A. Dickson, Wetland Agent

Dated:   Thursday, January 12, 2023



Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of January 4, 2023 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following action:

Application of Hutton Street 21 LLC at 577 South Broad Street – application for proposed automobile wash facility with associated site and drainage improvements impacting +/- 16,000SF in the upland review area. (Conditionally Approved)

Paul A. Dickson, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, January 5, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of January 3, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

  1. Appeal #4786 at 79 Melville Ave., Ancient Order of Hibernians Inc., Owner/Church of God Conquerors In Faith Inc., Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B (2) (a) for place of worship in the R-1 zone. (Approved)
  2. Appeal #4787 at 1100 Old Colony Rd., Old Colony Realty LLC, Owner/Darrell’s Auto Sales and Service, Inc. DBA Darrell’s Towing Meriden, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for vehicle storage and repairer’s license in the M-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Approved)
  3. Appeal #4789 at 33 Charles St., ROTON ASSOCIATES, LLC, Owner/Cetro America, Inc., Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-61A to allow a change in use to operate a transducer storage and testing facility in the R-2 zone. (Approved)
  4. Appeal #4790 at 980 Old Colony Rd., The General Tire & Welding Company, Owner/G.T. Silver City Tire Co., Inc. dba G.T. Tire & Service Center, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for repairer’s license in the M-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Approved with Conditions)
  5. Appeal #4791 at 515 Broad St. aka 521 Broad St., Ishavidhi, LLC, Owner/ Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-23B (2) (k) to allow change of use from a bar to a dwelling unit in a commercial building in the C-1 zone. (Denied without Prejudice)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, January 3, 2023 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

  1. Appeal #4785 at 577 South Broad St., COLELLA LLC, Owner/Hutton Street 21 LLC, Applicant. Requesting site plan approval per Sec. 213-72 and a special exception per Sec. 213-25B(2)(b) for an automobile wash facility in the C-3 zone.
  2. Appeal #4786 at 79 Melville Ave., Ancient Order of Hibernians Inc., Owner/Church of God Conquerors In Faith Inc., Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B (2) (a) for place of worship in the R-1 zone.
  3. Appeal #4787 at 1100 Old Colony Rd., Old Colony Realty LLC, Owner/Darrell’s Auto Sales and Service, Inc. DBA Darrell’s Towing Meriden, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for vehicle storage and repairer’s license in the M-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)
  4. Appeal #4788 at 115 Wilcox Ave., Ryan Murphy and Paula Murphy, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B of 5,227 sq. ft. where 12,000 sq. ft. is required, to convert a single-family dwelling to a three-family dwelling in the RH (R-2) zone.
  5. Appeal #4789 at 33 Charles St., ROTON ASSOCIATES, LLC, Owner/Cetro America, Inc., Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-61A to allow a change in use to operate a transducer storage and testing facility in the R-2 zone.
  6. Appeal #4790 at 980 Old Colony Rd., The General Tire & Welding Company, Owner/G.T. Silver City Tire Co., Inc. dba G.T. Tire & Service Center, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for repairer’s license in the M-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)
  7. Appeal #4791 at 515 Broad St. aka 521 Broad St., Ishavidhi, LLC, Owner/ Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-23B (2) (k) to allow change of use from a bar to a dwelling unit in a commercial building in the C-1 zone.

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, December 21, 2022


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of December 14, 2022 at Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following actions:

  1. Conditionally approved- Site Plan Application of Mark Development LLC at 850 Murdock Avenue – for a new 130,016 SF manufacturing and distribution building with associated grading, parking, site & utility improvements in the M-4 zone.
  2. Conditionally approved- Special Exception Permit Modification and Site Plan Modification Application of Trinity Tremont Four Limited Partnership and Trinity Tremont Nine Limited Partnership at 85 Tremont Street – to request approval for two (2) additional residential units, from 80 to 82 units, and site plan modifications in the Adaptive Reuse Overlay District and R-3 zone.

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: December 15, 2022



  Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of December 7, 2022 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following actions:

  1. Application of Mark Development, LLC at 850 Murdock Avenue aka 1107 Northrup Road- application for new 130,016 sq. ft. manufacturing and distribution building and stormwater basin impacting 86,890 sq. ft. in the upland review area (modification of previously approved application #IWWC22-0049). (Conditionally Approved)
  2. Application of Hutton Street 21 LLC at 577 South Broad Street – application for proposed automobile wash facility with associated site and drainage improvements impacting +/- 16,000SF in the upland review area. (Deemed Summary)

Paul A. Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: Monday, December 12, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of December 6, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

a. Appeal #4776 at 100 Pomeroy Ave., Joseph M. & Valentino Gigante, Owner/950 North Main Street, Wallingford, LLC, Applicant. Requesting site plan approval per Sec. 213-72 and a special exception per Sec. 213-25B(2)(l) to construct a ten (10) unit multi-family residential development in the C-2 zone. (Approved with Conditions) 

 b. Appeal #4779 at 33 Main St., RINCON HOLDINGS, LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-28F(2)(d) for a twenty-four (24) unit multi-family residential development and associated parking in the NCDD zone. (Approved)

c. Appeal #4781 at 589 Hanover Rd., Miguel & Melquiades Alberto, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a use variance per Sec. 213-18 for a wholesale bakery in the R-1 zone. (Approved)

d. Appeal #4782 at 75 Daniel Way, Robert & Mimi Angiletta, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-48G(1) for accessory building height of 27.5’ where 15’ is required in the R-R zone. (Approved with Condition)

e. Appeal #4783 at 820 Broad St., The Beeches, LLC, Owner/ Botanic JAC, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-25B(2)(h) to allow mixed commercial uses including a retail cannabis establishment in the C-2 zone. (Approved)

f. Appeal #4784 at 2104 North Broad St., Kautilya Meriden Hotel LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-25B to allow conversion of an accessory building to a multiple-family dwelling with ten (10) units in the C-3 zone. (Denied)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, December 7, 2022



Meriden Planning Commission

A Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 6:30 P.M. Meriden City Hall, 142 East Main St., Room 28, to consider:

Special Exception Permit Modification and Site Plan Modification Application of Trinity Tremont Four Limited Partnership and Trinity Tremont Nine Limited Partnership at 85 Tremont Street – to request approval for two (2) additional residential units, from 80 to 82 units, and site plan modifications in the Adaptive Reuse Overlay District and R-3 zone.

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

  1. Appeal #4776 at 100 Pomeroy Ave., Joseph M. & Valentino Gigante, Owner/950 North Main Street, Wallingford, LLC, Applicant. Requesting site plan approval per Sec. 213-72 and a special exception per Sec. 213-25B(2)(l) to construct a ten (10) unit multi-family residential development in the C-2 zone.
  2. Appeal #4779 at 33 Main St., RINCON HOLDINGS, LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-28F(2)(d) for a twenty-four (24) unit multi-family residential development and associated parking in the NCDD zone.
  3. Appeal #4781 at 589 Hanover Rd., Miguel & Melquiades Alberto, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a use variance per Sec. 213-18 for a wholesale bakery in the R-1 zone.
  4. Appeal #4782 at 75 Daniel Way, Robert & Mimi Angiletta, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-48G(1) for accessory building height of 27.5’ where 15’ is required in the R-R zone.
  5. Appeal #4783 at 820 Broad St., The Beeches, LLC, Owner/ Botanic JAC, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-25B(2)(h) to allow mixed commercial uses including a retail cannabis establishment in the C-2 zone.
  6. Appeal #4784 at 2104 North Broad St., Kautilya Meriden Hotel LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-25B to allow conversion of an accessory building to a multiple-family dwelling with ten (10) units in the C-3 zone.

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of November 1, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

  1. Appeal #4777 at 193 So. Colony St., Paula Murphy & Ryan Murphy, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-60B for expansion/alteration of a nonconforming use of 3-family dwelling to 4-family dwelling and Sec. 213-31B to permit a 4-family dwelling in the M-3 zone. (Approved With Condition)
  2. Appeal #4778 at 33 Wayne Ln., Ryan & Holly Aldrich, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B (2) (e) for a home occupation in the R-1 zone. (Approved With Condition)
  3. Appeal #4780 at 577 East Main St., Joseph Dagon, Owner/Applicant. Requesting variances per Sec. 213-12B for reduction of front yard setback on East Main St. from 25’ to 12.2’ for front deck, reduction of front yard setback on Carpenter Ave. from 25’ to 17.2’ for front deck, and reduction of front yard setback on Carpenter Ave. from 25’ to 1.1’ for rear deck in the R-1 zone. (Approved)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

  1. Appeal #4776 at 100 Pomeroy Ave., Joseph M. & Valentino Gigante, Owner/950 North Main Street, Wallingford, LLC, Applicant. Requesting site plan approval per Sec. 213-72 and a special exception per Sec. 213-25B(2)(l) to construct a ten (10) unit multi-family residential development in the C-2 zone.
  2. Appeal #4777 at 193 So. Colony St., Paula Murphy & Ryan Murphy, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-60B for expansion/alteration of a nonconforming use of 3-family dwelling to 4-family dwelling and Sec. 213-31B to permit a 4-family dwelling in the M-3 zone.
  3. Appeal #4778 at 33 Wayne Ln., Ryan & Holly Aldrich, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B (2) (e) for a home occupation in the R-1 zone.
  4. Appeal #4779 at 33 Main St., RINCON HOLDINGS, LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-28F(2)(d) for a twenty-four (24) unit multi-family residential development and associated parking in the NCDD zone.
  5. Appeal #4780 at 577 East Main St., Joseph Dagon, Owner/Applicant. Requesting variances per Sec. 213-12B for reduction of front yard setback on East Main St. from 25’ to 12.2’ for front deck, reduction of front yard setback on Carpenter Ave. from 25’ to 17.2’ for front deck, and reduction of front yard setback on Carpenter Ave. from 25’ to 1.1’ for rear deck in the R-1 zone.

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, October 19, 2022



The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of October 12, 2022 at Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers, Room 206, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following actions:

  1. Conditionally approved - Site Plan Application of DFC of Research 1201 LLC at 1051 Research Parkway – for a new 45,000 SF industrial building with associated grading, parking, site & utility improvements in the M-4 zone.
  2. Recommend Approval with Recommendation - CGS 8-24 Referral - for proposed road abandonment for unimproved section of Hull Avenue between Hull Avenue and Amity Street
  3. Conditionally approved – Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan at 850 Murdock Avenue

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: October 13, 2022



Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of October 5, 2022 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following actions:

  1. Application of Meriden Homestead II, LLC at 2211 North Broad Street – Proposed wetland restoration totaling 25,089 SF of created wetlands (Deemed Summary Activity and Approved with Conditions)
  2. Application of Rincon Holdings LLC at 33 Main Street – for new 24 unit multifamily residential development and associated site development including grading, parking lot, utilities, and stormwater system and basin impacting 33,878 SF of the upland review area. (Deemed Summary and Approved with Conditions)
  3. Application of City of Meriden - Harbor Brook Channel improvements and linear trail from the Amtrak Bridge to Cooper Street and associated bridge replacements altering 1.25 acres (1,825 linear feet) of watercourse and creating .45 acres of wetland. (Approved)

Paul A. Dickson, Planning Director

Dated:   Friday, October 7, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of October 4, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

  1. Appeal #4773 at 119 Cheshire Rd., Kevin Beichner, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B (2) (e) for a home occupation in the R-1 zone. (Approved with Conditions)
  2. Appeal #4774 at 47 Lincoln St., 47 Lincoln St Meriden LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-20B(2)(h) to permit a 13-room boarding house, (Approved) and requesting a variance per Sec. 213-55K(1) for reduction of parking spaces to four (4) where ten (10) are required in the R-3 zone. (Approved with Condition)
  3. Appeal #4775 at 744 Murdock Ave., Edwin Saguay & Lourdes Baculima, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a use variance per Sec. 213-26B(1) to permit a delicatessen in the C-4 zone. (Approved)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, October 5, 2022



 The Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. at Room 28, Meriden City Hall, 142 East Main St., on the following applications:

  1. Application of City of Meriden - Harbor Brook Channel improvements and linear trail from the Amtrak Bridge to Cooper Street and associated bridge replacements altering 1.25 acres (1,825 linear feet) of watercourse and creating .45 acres of wetland.
  2. Application of Meriden Homestead II, LLC at 2211 North Broad Street – Proposed wetland restoration totaling 25,089 SF of created wetlands

Paul A. Dickson, City Planner

Dated: Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

  1. Appeal #4773 at 119 Cheshire Rd., Kevin Beichner, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18B (2) (e) for a home occupation in the R-1 zone.
  2. Appeal #4744 at 47 Lincoln St., 47 Lincoln St Meriden LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-20B(2)(h) to permit a 13-room boarding house, and requesting a variance per Sec. 213-55K(1) for reduction of parking spaces to four (4) where ten (10) are required in the R-3 zone.
  3. Appeal #4775 at 744 Murdock Ave., Edwin Saguay & Lourdes Baculima, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a use variance per Sec. 213-26B(1) to permit a delicatessen in the C-4 zone.
  4. Appeal #4776 at 100 Pomeroy Ave., Joseph M. & Valentino Gigante, Owner/950 North Main Street, Wallingford, LLC, Applicant. Requesting site plan approval per Sec. 213-72 and a special exception per Sec. 213-25B(2)(l) to construct a ten (10) unit multi-family residential development in the C-2 zone.

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, September 21, 2022



The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of September 14, 2022 at Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Room 28, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following actions:

  1. Conditionally Approved - Site Plan Application of 850 S Main St LLC at 525 Kensington Avenue – for an industrial growing and processing facility with one 24,200 SF building, one 35,200 SF building and two (2) accessory structures with associated grading, site & utility improvements in the PDD zone.
  2. Conditionally Approved - Re-subdivision Application of DFC of Research 1201, LLC – Re-subdivision (1 lot to 2) at 1201 Research Parkway in the M-4 Zone

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: September 16, 2022



Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of September 7, 2022 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following actions:

  1. Application of 850 S Main St LLC at 525 Kensington Avenue – for new commercial development consisting of one 24,200 SF building, one 35,200 SF building, and two (2) accessory structures with associated site and utility improvements impacting +/- 1.57 acres of the upland review area. (Deemed a Summary Activity and Approved with Conditions)
  2. Application of City of Meriden - Harbor Brook Channel improvements and linear trail from the Amtrak Bridge to Cooper Street and associated bridge replacements altering 1.25 acres (1,825 linear feet) of watercourse and creating .45 acres of wetland. (Deemed a Plenary Activity and Tabled)

Paul A. Dickson, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, September 8, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of September 6, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

  1. Appeal #4769 at 1149 East Main St., GCMS Lodging Partners, LLC, Owner/CSRE, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B and 213-25B(2)(l)[4] for reduction of side yard setback of 22.51’ where 25’ is required, (Approved) site plan approval per Sec. 213-72, and special exception per Sec. 213-25B(2) (1) to convert 124 hotel units to 85 apartments in the C-2 zone. (Approved with Condition)
  2. Appeal #4770 at 200 Research Pkwy., HAM 200 of Meriden LLC, Owner/Miss Chantel’s Star Dance Academy, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a use variance per Sec. 213-30B to allow a performing arts academy in the M-2 zone. (Approved)
  3. Appeal #4771 at 160 Colony St., 152-160 Colony St LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting variances per Sec. 213-60B(1) to enlarge an existing non-conforming use (grocery store) and Sec. 213-12B for reduction of rear yard set-back to zero where 25’ is required and reduction of side yard set-back to zero where 10’ is required in the R-3 zone. (Approved)
  4. Appeal #4772 at 1347 East Main St., Good Neighbor Holdings LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-25B to convert 750 sq. ft. office space to a residential dwelling unit in the C-3 zone. (Approved)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, September 7, 2022



Meriden Planning Commission

A Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 6:30 P.M. at Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Room 28, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT to consider:

a. Re-subdivision Application of DFC of Research 1201, LLC – Re-subdivision (1 lot to 2) at 1201 Research Parkway in the M-4 Zone

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 6, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

  1. Appeal #4769 at 1149 East Main St., GCMS Lodging Partners, LLC, Owner/CSRE, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B and 213-25B(2)(l)[4] for reduction of side yard setback of 22.51’ where 25’ is required, site plan approval per Sec. 213-72, and special exception per Sec. 213-25B(2) (1) to convert 124 hotel units to 85 apartments in the C-2 zone.
  2. Appeal #4770 at 200 Research Pkwy., HAM 200 of Meriden LLC, Owner/Miss Chantel’s Star Dance Academy, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a use variance per Sec. 213-30B to allow a performing arts academy in the M-2 zone.
  3. Appeal #4771 at 160 Colony St., 152-160 Colony St LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting variances per Sec. 213-60B(1) to enlarge an existing non-conforming use (grocery store) and Sec. 213-12B for reduction of rear yard set-back to zero where 25’ is required and reduction of side yard set-back to zero where 10’ is required in the R-3 zone.
  4. Appeal #4772 at 1347 East Main St., Good Neighbor Holdings LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-25B to convert 750 sq. ft. office space to a residential dwelling unit in the C-3 zone.

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Tuesday, August 23, 2022


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of August 10, 2022 at Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Room 28, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following actions:

Conditionally Approved- Site Plan Application of Jonathan Gonzalez at 117 Lincoln Street – for multi-family residential development of 8 units and associated site and parking improvements in the R-3/TOD-HC zone.

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: August 11, 2022



Notice of Action 

At its Regular Meeting of August 3, 2022 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following actions:

  1. Application of DFC of Research 1201, LLC at 1051 Research Parkway – for a new 45,000 sq. ft. warehouse facility and associated site and utility improvements impacting +/- 600 sq. ft. of wetlands and 116,305 sq. ft. in the upland review area. (Deemed Summary Activity and Approved with Conditions)
  2. Application of Ragozzino Foods aka Foundry Industrial Associates LLC at 71 Chamberlain Highway – Site plan modification for increase of size of approved 1,998 sq. ft. addition to 5,000 sq. ft. impacting an additional 3,002 sq. ft. of the upland review area. (Deemed Summary Activity and Approved with Conditions)

     Notice of Agent Action

 Application of Omar Yobani Quiroa at 191 West View Drive – for construction of a deck within 100 ft. of the upland review area (Administratively Approved)

Paul A. Dickson, Planning Director

Dated:   Friday, August 5, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of August 2, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

  1. Appeal #4763 at 163, 171, 177 Pratt St. and 103 Twiss St., 163 Pratt LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-27N(2) to increase density of residential dwelling units to 45 units where 25 is required and Sec. 213-27L(1) Table 213-3 to reduce the ground floor height minimum to 9-10 ft. where 12 ft. is required for residential uses in the TOD-Park zone. (APPROVED)
  2. Appeal #4768 at 27, 35, 43, 51 & 57 So. Broad St., Batista LLC & 3B Realty LLC, Owners/Batista Companies, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-59H and 213-46A(3) for reduction of distance for drive-through menu board to 65.52’ where 100’ is required in the C-3 zone. (To be heard concurrently with Appeal #4764) (APPROVED)
  3. Appeal #4764 at 27, 35, 43, 51 & 57 So. Broad St., Batista LLC & 3B Realty LLC, Owners/Batista Companies, Applicant. Requesting site plan approval per Sec. 213-72 and special exception per Sec. 213-25(2)(c) and Sec. 213-25(2)(g) for fast food restaurant with drive-through facility in the C-3 zone. (APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS)
  4. Appeal #4766 at 476 Colony St., 476 Colony St LLC, Owner/Meriden Motors, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for auto sales and repair in the M-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS)
  5. Appeal #4767 at 39 Butternut Dr., Melissa Egan, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-44F for reduction of pool distance from a main building to six (6) feet where ten (10) feet is required in the R-R zone. (APPROVED)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, August 2, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

  1. Appeal #4763 at 163, 171, 177 Pratt St. and 103 Twiss St., 163 Pratt LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-27N(2) to increase density of residential dwelling units to 45 units where 25 is required and Sec. 213-27L(1) Table 213-3 to reduce the ground floor height minimum to 9-10 ft. where 12 ft. is required for residential uses in the TOD-Park zone.
  2. Appeal #4768 at 27, 35, 43, 51 & 57 So. Broad St., Batista LLC & 3B Realty LLC, Owners/Batista Companies, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-59H and 213-46A(3) for reduction of distance for drive-through menu board to 65.52’ where 100’ is required and a variance of the 12' landscape buffer in the C-3/R-1 zone. (To be heard concurrently with Appeal #4764)
  3. Appeal #4764 at 27, 35, 43, 51 & 57 So. Broad St., Batista LLC & 3B Realty LLC, Owners/Batista Companies, Applicant. Requesting site plan approval per Sec. 213-72 and special exception per Sec. 213-25(2)(c) and Sec. 213-25(2)(g) for fast food restaurant with drive-through facility in the C-3 zone.
  4. Appeal #4766 at 476 Colony St., 476 Colony St LLC, Owner/Meriden Motors, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for auto sales and repair in the M-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)
  5. Appeal #4767 at 39 Butternut Dr., Melissa Egan, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-44F for reduction of pool distance from a main building to six (6) feet where ten (10) feet is required in the R-R zone.
  6. Appeal #4769 at 1149 East Main St., GCMS Lodging Partners, LLC, Owner/CSRE, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-12B for reduction of side yard setback of 22.51’ where 25’ is required; requesting site plan approval per Sec. 213-72 and special exception per Sec. 213-25B(2) (1) to convert 124 hotel units to 85 apartments in the C-2 zone.

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, July 20, 2022


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of July 13, 2022 at Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following actions:

(Conditionally approved)- Site Plan Application of 94 Warner Associates, LLC at 1544 East Main Street – for multi-family residential development of 32 units and associated site and utility improvements in the C-3 zone.

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: July 14, 2022



Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of July 6, 2022 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following actions:

  1. Application of Mark Development, LLC at 850 Murdock Avenue/Northrup Road- application for new 130,016 sq. ft. executive office and warehouse/distribution building impacting 45,000 sq. ft. in the upland review area. (Deemed Summary Activity and Approved with Conditions)
  2. Application of Batista Companies, Inc. at 27, 35, 43, 51 & 57 South Broad Street – application for a multi-use commercial development with associated site and utility improvements in the upland review area with no direct wetlands impact. (Approved with Conditions)

    Notice of Agent Action

Application of Andre Bell at 307 North Wall Street – application to install a 500-gallon above ground propane tank with line to house in the upland review area adjacent to Baldwin’s Pond (Administratively Approved)

Paul A. Dickson, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, July 7, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of July 5, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

  1. Appeal #4765 at 43 Jerome Ave., Debra McMaster, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-18B(1) for an accessory apartment in the R-1 zone. (APPROVED)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its Special Meeting of June 23, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers, Rm. 206 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

  1. Appeal #4758 at 1 Colony St., The Colony Project LLC., Owner, Colony Holdings 2022 LLC, Applicant. 1) Requesting a variance of Section 213-27K(4) to increase density to 27 units (APPROVED), 2) a variance of Section 213-27K(4)(a) to allow studio/one bedroom units with a minimum square footage of 425 where 500 sq is required (APPROVED), 3) a variance of Section 213-27 Table 213-1 Note 1 to permit residential on the ground floor behind 33%  non-residential use in the front of the building (APPROVED), 4) a variance of Section 213-27(3) building floors maximum for multiple family dwellings be increased to five floors  in the TOD/HC zone. (APPROVED WITH CONDTION)
  2. Appeal #4759 at 9 Colony St., The Colony Project LLC., Owner, Colony Holdings 2022 LLC., Applicant. Requesting a variance of Section 213-27 Table 213-1 Note 1 to permit residential on the ground floor behind 50% non-residential use in the front of the building, in the TOD/HC zone. (APPROVED)
  3. Appeal #4760 at 13 Colony St., The Colony Project LLC., Owner, Colony Holdings 2022 LLC, Applicant. 1) Requesting a variance of Section 213-27K(4)(a) to allow studio/one bedroom units with a minimum square footage of 400 sq where 500 sq is required. (APPROVED) 2) a variance of Section 213-27 Table 213-1 Note 1 to permit residential on the ground floor behind 35% non-residential use in the front of the building, in the TOD/HC zone. (APPROVED)
  4. Appeal #4761 at 21 Colony St., The Colony Project LLC. Owner, Colony Holdings 2022 LLC, Applicant. 1) Requesting a variance of Section 213-27K(4) to increase density to 17 units, (APPROVED WITH CONDITION) 2) a variance of Section 213-27K(4)(a) to allow studio/one bedroom units with a minimum square footage of 490 where 500 sq is required, (APPROVED) 3) a variance of Section 213-27 Table 213-1 Note 1 to permit residential on the ground floor behind 50% non-residential use in the front of the building in the TOD/HC Zone. (APPROVED)
  5. Appeal #4762 at 51 Colony St., The Colony Project LLC., Colony Holdings 2022 LLC., Applicant.  Requesting a variance of Section 213-27 Table 213-1 Note 1 to permit residential on the ground floor behind 33% non-residential use in the front of the building in the TOD/HC Zone. (APPROVED)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Monday, June 27, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

  1. Appeal #4763 at 163, 171, 177 Pratt St. and 103 Twiss St, 163 Pratt LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-27N(2) to increase density of residential dwelling units to 45 units where 25 is required and Sec. 213-27L(1) Table 213-3 to reduce the ground floor height minimum to 9-10 ft. where 12 ft. is required for residential uses in the TOD-Park zone.
  2. Appeal #4764 at 27, 35, 43, 51 & 57 So. Broad St., Batista LLC & 3B Realty LLC, Owners/Batista Companies, Applicant. Requesting site plan approval per Sec. 213-72 and special exception per Sec. 213-25(2)(c) and Sec. 213-25(2)(g) for fast food restaurant with drive-through facility in the C-3 zone.
  3. Appeal #4765 at 43 Jerome Ave., Debra McMaster, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-18B(1) for an accessory apartment in the R-1 zone.

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice


 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Special Public Hearing on Thursday, June 23, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers, Rm. 206 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications (this is a continuation of the Public Hearing from 6/7/22):

  1. Appeal #4758 at 1 Colony St., The Colony Project LLC., Owner, Colony Holdings 2022 LLC, Applicant.  1) Requesting a variance of Section 213-27K(4) to increase density to 30 units,  2) a variance of Section 213-27K(4)(a) to allow studio/one bedroom units with a minimum square footage of 425 where 500 sq is required, 3) a variance of Section 213-27 Table 213-1 Note 1 to permit residential on the ground floor behind 33%  non-residential use in the front of the building, 4) a variance of Section 213-27(3) building floors maximum for multiple family dwellings be increased to five floors  in the TOD/HC zone.
  2. Appeal #4759 at 9 Colony St., The Colony Project LLC., Owner, Colony Holdings 2022 LLC., Applicant.  Requesting a variance of Section 213-27 Table 213-1 Note 1 to permit residential on the ground floor behind 33% non-residential use in the front of the building, in the TOD/HC zone.
  3. Appeal #4760 at 13 Colony St., The Colony Project LLC., Owner, Colony Holdings 2022 LLC, Applicant.  1) Requesting a variance of Section 213-27K(4)(a) to allow studio/one bedroom units with a minimum square footage of 400 sq where 500 sq is required. 2) a variance of Section 213-27 Table 213-1 Note 1 to permit residential on the ground floor behind 33% non-residential use in the front of the building, in the TOD/HC zone.
  4. Appeal #4761 at 21 Colony St., The Colony Project LLC. Owner, Colony Holdings 2022 LLC, Applicant.  1) Requesting a variance of Section 213-27K(4) to increase density to 17 units,  2) a variance of Section 213-27K(4)(a) to allow studio/one bedroom units with a minimum square footage of 490 where 500 sq is required, 3) a variance of Section 213-27 Table 213-1 Note 1 to permit residential on the ground floor behind 33% non-residential use in the front of the building in the TOD/HC Zone.
  5.  Appeal #4762 at 51 Colony St., The Colony Project LLC., Colony Holdings 2022 LLC., Applicant.  Requesting a variance of Section 213-27 Table 213-1 Note 1 to permit residential on the ground floor behind 33% non-residential use in the front of the building in the TOD/HC Zone.

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Thursday, June 9, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of June 7, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

  1. Appeal #4750 at 64 Isabelle Dr., Michael & Donna Gudelski, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance of Sec. 213-17B to allow an in-law apartment in the S-R zone. (APPROVED WITH CONDITION)
  2. Appeal #4754 at 1173 & 1187 No. Broad St., North Broad Park, LLC Owner/Applicant. Requesting approval of Site Plan of Sec. 213-72 and requesting a Special Exception of Sec. 213-61A for change in non-conforming use from mixed use 12-unit mobile home park with restaurant to a 12-unit detached multi-family development with no restaurant in the R-1 zone. (APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS)
  3. Appeal #4755 at 554 Broad St., 554 Broad St. Meriden, LLC, Owner/Luis L. Lemus, Applicant. Requesting a variance of Sec. 213-46A(3) for a reduction of the required buffer from 3 ft to 0.1 ft in the C-1 zone. (APPROVED)
  4. Appeal #4756 at 149 Fowler Ave. Ext., Yizulelis Williams, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a front yard variance of Section 213-48F(2) for a 6-foot fence where 4 feet is required in the front yard, in the R-1 zone. (APPROVED)
  5. Appeal #4757 at 1063 Old Colony Rd., Heena Roshni LLC, Owner, Ravi Patel, Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception of Section 213-25B(2)(a) and 213-25B(2)(h) mixed commercial use including a micro beer distribution business in the C-3 zone. (APPROVED WITH CONDITION)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

  1. Appeal #4750 at 64 Isabelle Dr., Michael & Donna Gudelski, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance of Sec. 213-17B to allow an in-law apartment in the S-R zone.
  2. Appeal #4754 at 1173 & 1187 No. Broad St., North Broad Park, LLC Owner/Applicant. Requesting approval of Site Plan of Sec. 213-72 and requesting a Special Exception of Sec. 213-61A for change in non-conforming use from mixed use 12-unit mobile home park with restaurant to a 12-unit detached multi-family development with no restaurant in the R-1 zone.
  3. Appeal #4755 at 554 Broad St., 554 Broad St. Meriden, LLC, Owner/Luis L. Lemus, Applicant. Requesting a variance of Sec. 213-46A(3) for a reduction of the required buffer from 3 ft to 0.1 ft in the C-1 zone.
  4. Appeal #4756 at 149 Fowler Ave. Ext., Yizulelis Williams, Owner/Applicant.  Requesting a front yard variance of Section 213-48F(2) for a 6-foot fence where 4 feet is required in the front yard, in the R-1 zone.
  5. Appeal #4757 at 1063 Old Colony Rd., Heena Roshni LLC, Owner, Ravi Patel, Applicant.  Requesting a Special Exception of Section 213-25B(2)(a) and 213-25B(2)(h) mixed commercial use including a micro beer distribution business in the C-3 zone.
  6. Appeal #4758 at 1 Colony St., The Colony Project LLC., Owner, Colony Holdings 2022 LLC, Applicant.  1) Requesting a variance of Section 213-27K(4) to increase density to 30 units,  2) a variance of Section 213-27K(4)(a) to allow studio/one bedroom units with a minimum square footage of 425 where 500 sq is required, 3) a variance of Section 213-27 Table 213-1 Note 1 to permit residential on the ground floor behind 33%  non-residential use in the front of the building, 4) a variance of Section 213-27(3) building floors maximum for multiple family dwellings be increased to five floors  in the TOD/HC zone.
  7. Appeal #4759 at 9 Colony St., The Colony Project LLC., Owner, Colony Holdings 2022 LLC., Applicant.  Requesting a variance of Section 213-27 Table 213-1 Note 1 to permit residential on the ground floor behind 33% non-residential use in the front of the building, in the TOD/HC zone.
  8. Appeal #4760 at 13 Colony St., The Colony Project LLC., Owner, Colony Holdings 2022 LLC, Applicant.  1) Requesting a variance of Section 213-27K(4)(a) to allow studio/one bedroom units with a minimum square footage of 400 sq where 500 sq is required. 2) a variance of Section 213-27 Table 213-1 Note 1 to permit residential on the ground floor behind 33% non-residential use in the front of the building, in the TOD/HC zone.
  9. Appeal #4761 at 21 Colony St., The Colony Project LLC. Owner, Colony Holdings 2022 LLC, Applicant.  1) Requesting a variance of Section 213-27K(4) to increase density to 17 units,  2) a variance of Section 213-27K(4)(a) to allow studio/one bedroom units with a minimum square footage of 490 where 500 sq is required, 3) a variance of Section 213-27 Table 213-1 Note 1 to permit residential on the ground floor behind 33% non-residential use in the front of the building in the TOD/HC Zone.
  10.  Appeal #4762 at 51 Colony St., The Colony Project LLC., Colony Holdings 2022 LLC., Applicant.  Requesting a variance of Section 213-27 Table 213-1 Note 1 to permit residential on the ground floor behind 33% non-residential use in the front of the building in the TOD/HC Zone.                                                                

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, May 25, 2022



   Notice of Agent Action

1. Application of Ahearn Builders at 37 Colorado Court – for new single family dwelling in the upland review area. (Administratively Approved)

2. Application of A.R. Building Company Inc. at 105 Pomeroy Avenue – for modification of previously approved 42-unit residential apartment building and associated site & utility improvements located in the upland review area in the C-2 zone. (Administratively Approved with Conditions)

3. Application of Martone & Picone Investments, LLC at 914 West Main Street – for new 1,568sf single family dwelling in the upland review area (Administratively Approved)

Paul A. Dickson, Planning Director

Dated:   Tuesday, May 17, 2022


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of May 11, 2022 at Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers, Room 206, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following actions:

  1. (Consistent with the POCD) Zoning Regulation and Map Amendment petition of Stephan Gashi at 65 Westfield Road - to amend the text at Article VII, Sec. 213-39.1B Appendix 1 to add the property to the Adaptive Reuse Overlay Zone and Zoning Map Amendment to apply the Adaptive Reuse Overlay Zone to the property.
  2. (Consistent with the POCD) Zoning Map Amendment petition of 850 S. Main St, LLC at 525 Kensington Avenue – for a change of zone from the present Zoning District of C-2 (General Commercial) to the Zoning District of PDD (Planned Development District).

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: May 12, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of May 3, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

a. Appeal #4751 at 117 Lincoln St. and 13 Platt Ave., Jonathan Gonzalez, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Variance per Sec. 213-12B dwelling unit area requirement of 15,376SF where 20,000SF is required for eight (8) residential dwelling units in the R-3/TOD-HC zone. (Approved)

b. Appeal #4753 at 485 Murdock Ave., David D. & Carmela A. Murdy, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Variance per Sec. 213-18C(1) for a lot line revision that will result in a parcel with an accessory building without a principal building in the R-1 zone. (Approved with Conditions).

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

a. Appeal #4750 at 64 Isabelle Dr., Michael & Donna Gudelski, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Variance per Sec. 213-17B to allow an in-law apartment in the S-R zone.

b. Appeal #4751 at 117 Lincoln St. and 13 Platt Ave., Jonathan Gonzalez, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Variance per Sec. 213-12B dwelling unit area requirement of 15,376SF where 20,000SF is required for eight (8) residential dwelling units in the R-3/TOD-HC zone.

c. Appeal #4753 at 485 Murdock Ave., David D. & Carmela A. Murdy, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Variance per Sec. 213-18C(1) for a lot line revision that will result in a parcel with an accessory building without a principal building in the R-1 zone.

d. Appeal #4754 at 1173 & 1187 No. Broad St., North Broad Park, LLC Owner/Applicant. Requesting approval of Site Plan per Sec. 213-72 and requesting a Special Exception per Sec. 213-61A for change in non-conforming use from mixed use 12-unit mobile home park with restaurant to a 12-unit detached multi-family development with no restaurant in the R-1 zone.

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, April 20, 2022


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of April 13, 2022 at Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room, Rm. 28, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following actions:

  1. (Conditionally approved)- Provisional Special Exception Application of Gold Leaf Cultivation LLC at 45 Gracey Avenue – for cannabis micro-cultivator to occupy a portion of the existing building in the M-3 zone, per Section 213-73.1
  2. (Consistent with the POCD)- Zoning Regulation Amendment petition of Mark Development, LLC to amend the text at Article VI Section 213-32 M-4 Planned Industrial District, subsection D Lot and Bulk requirements, to amend item (4) landscape buffer east of I-91 and to add item (5) for 80’ building set-back requirement and 50’ landscape buffer for abutting residential districts west of I-91.
  3. (Consistent with the POCD)- Zoning Map Amendment petition of Mark Development, LLC at 850 Murdock Avenue for a change of zone from present Zoning District of RDD (Regional Development District) to the Zoning District of M-4 (Planned Industrial District).
  4. (Consistent with the POCD)- Zoning Regulation Amendment petition of City of Meriden to amend the text at Article VI Industrial Districts, Section 213-32B-Planned Industrial District, Section B Permitted Uses, to amend the language of item (2)(a) regarding special permit approval.

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: April 14, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of April 5, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Engineering Conference Room – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

a. Appeal #4746 at 647 East Main St., Liberty For Us LLC, Owner/Oliver Nunez Camilo/Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception per Sec. 213-25B(2)(h) for mixed use in the C-3 zone, requesting a parking variance per Sec. 213-55K of five (5) spaces where eight (8) is required, and requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for used car dealer in the C-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Approved with Conditions)

b. Appeal #4748 at 1150 Old Colony Rd., Howard A. Lohmann, Owner/Jessica Mata dba Hector’s Auto Repair, Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception per Sec. 213-31B(2)(c) for repairer’s garage in the M-3 zone and requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for auto repair in the M-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Approved with Conditions)

c. Appeal #4752 at 181 Hanover St., Giorgio Favia Jr. dba ObsElite Performance LLC, Applicant/Marion Favia, Owner. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for auto repair and sales in the TOD-H zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Approved with Conditions)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

a. Appeal #4746 at 647 East Main St., Liberty For Us LLC, Owner/Oliver Nunez Camilo/Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception per Sec. 213-25B(2)(h) for mixed use in the C-3 zone, requesting a parking variance per Sec. 213-55K of five (5) spaces where eight (8) is required, and requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for used car dealer in the C-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Continued from 3/1/22)

b. Appeal #4748 at 1150 Old Colony Rd., Howard A. Lohmann, Owner/Jessica Mata dba Hector’s Auto Repair, Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception per Sec. 213-31B(2)(c) for repairer’s garage in the M-3 zone and requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for auto repair in the M-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)

c. Appeal #4750 at 64 Isabelle Dr., Michael & Donna Gudelski, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Variance per Sec. 213-17B to allow an in-law apartment in the S-R zone.

d. Appeal #4751 at 117 Lincoln St. and 13 Platt Ave., Jonathan Gonzalez, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Variance per Sec. 213-12B dwelling unit area requirement of 15,376SF where 20,000SF is required for eight (8) residential dwelling units in the R-3/TOD-HC zone.

e. Appeal #4752 at 181 Hanover St., Giorgio Favia Jr. dba ObsElite Performance LLC, Applicant/Marion Favia, Owner. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for auto repair and sales in the TOD-H zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, March 23, 2022


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of March 9, 2022 at Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers, Room 206, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following actions:

  1. Conditionally Approved- Provisional Special Exception Application of Verano at 1387 & 1391 East Main Street – for a cannabis hybrid retail establishment in the C-3 zone, per Section 213-73.1
  2. Conditionally Approved- Cynrose Limited Partnership at 1 Leonard Street aka 58 Leonard Street- bond reduction request

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: March 10, 2022



     Notice of Agent Action

Application of A.R. Building Company Inc. at 406 Bee Street – for modification to approved site plan (Administratively Approved)

Paul A. Dickson, Planning Director

Dated:   Monday, March 7, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of March 1, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers, Room 206 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

a. Appeal #4745 at 73 Sperry Ln., Ricardo Bonnick Jr., Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception per Sec. 213-18B(2)(e) for an internet home occupation FFL in the R-1 zone. (Approved with Conditions)

b. Appeal #4747 at 162 Collindale Dr., Darryl & Alisa Stringer Owner/Applicant. An appeal of the Zoning Enforcement Officer’s decision, per Sec. 213-42 in the R-R zone. (Upheld)

c. Appeal #4749 at 1718 & 1748 North Broad St., The New Britain Transportation Company, Owner/Applicant. Requesting approval of Site Plan per Sec. 213-72 and modification to existing Special Exception per Sec. 213-73 for a new 3,619 SF vehicle maintenance facility/repairer’s garage and associated site & utility improvements in the C-3 zone. (Approved with Conditions)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, March 2, 2022



Meriden Planning Commission

 A Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 6:30 P.M. at Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers, Room 206 – 142 East Main St., Meriden, CT to consider:

a. Provisional Special Exception Application of Verano at 1387 & 1391 East Main Street – for a cannabis hybrid retail establishment in the C-3 zone, per Section 213-73.1

b. Provisional Special Exception Application of Gold Leaf Cultivation LLC at 45 Gracey Avenue – for cannabis micro-cultivator to occupy a portion of the existing building in the M-3 zone, per Section 213-73.1

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers, Room 206 – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

a. Appeal #4745 at 73 Sperry Ln., Ricardo Bonnick Jr., Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception per Sec. 213-18B(2)(e) for an internet home occupation FFL in the R-1 zone.  

b. Appeal #4746 at 647 East Main St., Liberty For Us LLC, Owner/Oliver Nunez Camilo/Applicant. Requesting a use Variance per Sec. 213-25B for used car dealer in the C-3 zone and requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for used car dealer in the C-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)  

c. Appeal #4747 at 162 Collindale Dr., Darryl & Alisa Stringer Owner/Applicant. An appeal of the Zoning Enforcement Officer’s decision, per Sec. 213-42 in the R-R zone. 

d. Appeal #4748 at 1150 Old Colony Rd., Howard A. Lohmann, Owner/Jessica Mata dba Hector’s Auto Repair, Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception per Sec. 213-31B(2)(c) for repairer’s garage in the M-3 zone and requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for auto repair in the M-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) 

e. Appeal #4749 at 1718 & 1748 North Broad St., The New Britain Transportation Company, Owner/Applicant. Requesting approval of Site Plan per Sec. 213-72 and modification to existing Special Exception per Sec. 213-73 for a new 3,619 SF vehicle maintenance facility/repairer’s garage and associated site & utility improvements in the C-3 zone.

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated:  Wednesday, February 16, 2022


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of February 9, 2022, virtual meeting via MS Teams, took the following action:

a. (Conditionally Approved) Special Exception Permit and Site Plan Application of Trinity Acquisitions LLC at 85 Tremont Street – In accordance with Sec. 213-39.1, for adaptive reuse of the 2.2-acre Aeolian Mill parcel to construct eighty (80) residential units with associated site & utility improvements in the Adaptive Reuse overlay and R-3 zone.

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: February 10, 2022

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of February 1, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., virtual meeting via MS Teams, took the following actions:

a. Appeal #4742 at 504 East Main St., Winaudy Estrella, Owner/Victor L. Echavarria, Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception per Sec. 213-19B(2)(f) for a home occupation in the R-2 zone. (Approved with Conditions)

b. Appeal #4743 at 163, 171, 177 Pratt St. and 103 Twiss St., 163 Pratt LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Variance per Sec. 213-48A or 213-48B(1) to merge four (4) parcels into two (2) lots with one (1) non-conforming lot having frontage on an unaccepted street and a 25’ access strip on Twiss St. in the TOD-Park zone. (Approved)

c. Appeal #4744 at 117 Lincoln St. and 13 Platt Ave., Jonathan Gonzalez, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Variance per Sec. 213-12B dwelling unit area requirement of 15,376SF where 20,000SF is required for eight (8) residential dwelling units in the R-3/TOD-HC zone. (Denied without Prejudice)                                                                                

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Wednesday, February 2, 2022



       Meriden Planning Commission

 A virtual Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 at 6:30 P.M. via MS Teams to consider:

Special Exception Permit and Site Plan Application of Trinity Acquisitions LLC at 85 Tremont Street – In accordance with Sec. 213-39.1, for adaptive reuse of the 2.2-acre Aeolian Mill parcel to construct eighty (80) residential units with associated site & utility improvements in the Adaptive Reuse overlay and R-3 zone.

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live written comments in the Q&A section of the meeting.

Emailed comments to will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting.

The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:

To provide public comments during the meeting call: (866) 342-8588 Conference ID: 95966

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a virtual Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. via MS Teams relative to the following applications:

a. Appeal #4742 at 504 East Main St., Winaudy Estrella, Owner/Victor L. Echavarria, Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception per Sec. 213-19B(2)(f) for a home occupation in the R-2 zone.

b. Appeal #4743 at 163, 171, 177 Pratt St. and 103 Twiss St., 163 Pratt LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Variance per Sec. 213-48A or 213-48B(1) to merge four (4) parcels into two (2) lots with one (1) non-conforming lot having frontage on an unaccepted street and a 25’ access strip on Twiss St. in the TOD-Park zone.

c. Appeal #4744 at 117 Lincoln St. and 13 Platt Ave., Jonathan Gonzalez, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Variance per Sec. 213-12B dwelling unit area requirement of 15,376SF where 20,000SF is required for eight (8) residential dwelling units in the R-3/TOD-HC zone.

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live comments will be available in the Q&A component of the virtual meeting.

Send comments by email to Comments via email will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting to allow them to be distributed to ZBA members.

The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:

To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the following number: 

866-342-8588     The Conference ID is: 82056


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of January 12, 2022 at Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers, Room 206, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following action:

  1. (Consistent with POCD) – Council Referral - Zoning Map Amendment – Application of Mark Development, LLC at 850 Murdock Avenue – for a change of zone from the RDD (Regional Development District) Zoning District to the M-4 (Planned Industrial District) Zoning District.
  2. (Recommend with Condition) - EDTF/ CGS 8-24 Referral - Proposed sale of property – 190 Liberty Street

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: January 13, 2022           



Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of January 5, 2022 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following action:

Application of Hakeem Management, LLC at 1015 Broad Street and a portion of 1025 Broad Street- for streambank stabilization affecting the upland review area and 136 SF of wetland area and construction of a structure in the upland review area.    (Approved with Conditions)

Paul A. Dickson, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, January 6, 2022


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular Meeting of December 8, 2021 at Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers, Room 206, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following actions:

(Approved with Conditions) - Provisional Special Exception Application of Red Cardinal LLC at 834 Broad Street – for a retail cannabis establishment in the C-2 zone, per Section 213-73.1

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: December 9, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of December 7, 2021 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, took the following actions:

a. Appeal #4741 at 74 So. Broad Street, 74-78 Broad St. LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Variance per Sec. 213-25B to convert existing office building to mixed use office with four (4) residential units in the C-3 zone. (Approved with Condition)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Wednesday, December 8, 2021



Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of December 1, 2021 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following actions:

Application of Hakeem Management, LLC at 1015 Broad Street and a portion of 1025 Broad Street- for streambank stabilization affecting the upland review area and 136 SF of wetland area and construction of a structure in the upland review area. (Deemed Summary Activity and Tabled)

Paul A. Dickson, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, December 2, 2021



      Meriden Planning Commission

 A Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, December 8, 2021 at 6:30 P.M. at Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers, Room 206 – 142 East Main St., Meriden, CT to consider:

    1. Provisional Special Exception Application of Red Cardinal LLC at 834 Broad Street – for a retail cannabis establishment in the C-2 zone, per Section 213-73.1                                                             

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at 6:30 p.m., Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers – 142 East Main Street - Meriden, CT, relative to the following applications:

a. Appeal #4739 at 117 Lincoln Street & 13 Platt Avenue, Jonathan Gonzalez, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Variance per Sec. 213-12B Area per dwelling unit of 15,376SF where 20,000SF is required for eight (8) residential dwelling units in the R-3 zone.

b. Appeal #4741 at 74 So. Broad Street, 74-78 Broad St. LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Variance per Sec. 213-25B to convert existing office building to mixed use office with four (4) residential units in the C-3 zone.

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Wednesday, November 24, 2021


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Public Hearing of November 10, 2021 at Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers, Room 206, 142 East Main Street, Meriden, CT took the following actions:

  1. (Approved with Conditions) Special Permit Application per Section 213-27, Table of Uses 213-1, for a retail cannabis store in the TOD-HC zone at 28 West Main Street, application of Blue Leaf, LLC/BGE, LLC, Owner.
  2. (Approved with Conditions) Provisional Special Exception Application of Rino Ferrarese at 1371 East Main Street – for a hybrid retail cannabis establishment in the C-3 zone, per Section 213-73.1

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: November 12, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of November 1, 2021 at 6:30 p.m., Augusta Curtis Cultural Center, 175 East Main St, Meriden, CT took the following actions:

a. Appeal #4738 at 75 South Avenue, Ivanny Soto, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception per Sec. 213-19B (2)(f) for an internet home occupation in the R-2 zone. (Approved)

b. Appeal #4740 at 269 Williams Street, Sunset Ridge of Meriden LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Variance per Sec. 213-48D(4) of 24.1 feet where 25 feet is required for a covered porch in the R-1 zone. (Approved)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Tuesday, November 2, 2021



Meriden Planning Commission

 A Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 6:30 P.M. at Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers, Room 206 – 142 East Main St., Meriden, CT to consider:

    1. Provisional Special Exception Application of Red Cardinal LLC at 834 Broad Street – for a retail cannabis establishment in the C-2 zone, per Section 213-73.1
    2. Provisional Special Exception Application of Rino Ferrarese at 1371 East Main Street – for a hybrid retail cannabis establishment in the C-3 zone, per Section 213-73.1                                                                                                             

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 1, 2021 at 6:30 p.m., Augusta Curtis Cultural Center, 175 East Main St, Meriden, CT relative to the following applications:

a. Appeal #4738 at 75 South Avenue, Ivanny Soto, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception per Sec. 213-19B (2)(f) for an internet home occupation in the R-2 zone.

b. Appeal #4739 at 117 Lincoln Street & 13 Platt Avenue, Jonathan Gonzalez, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Variance per Sec. 213-12B Area per dwelling unit of 15,376SF where 20,000SF is required for eight (8) residential dwelling units in the R-3 zone.

c. Appeal #4740 at 269 Williams Street, Sunset Ridge of Meriden LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Variance per Sec. 213-48D(4) of 24.1 feet where 25 feet is required for a covered porch in the R-1 zone.

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Wednesday, October 20, 2021


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Public Hearing of October 13, 2021 took the following actions:

  1. (Approved with Conditions) Re-subdivision Application of DFC of Research 1201, LLC – Re-subdivision at 1201 Research Parkway in the M-4 Zone
  2. (Approved with Conditions) Special Permit Application per Section 213-27, Table of Uses 213-1, for the addition of auto sales to existing auto service in the TOD-H zone at 181 Hanover Street, application of Francis Zygmont, Owner
  3. (Approved) Request for extension of 2016 C.A. Site Plan approval- Rockfall Business Park, LLC – for a 42 unit multifamily residential building at 105-113 Pomeroy Avenue in the C-2 zone
  4. (Approved with Condition) Application of City of Meriden at 105 Miller Street- Renovations to the Meriden Public Library in the TOD-Civic zone
  5. (Consistent with POCD) Zoning Regulation Amendment – Cannabis Micro-cultivator - Zoning Regulation Amendment – Chapter 213 Article VI Industrial Districts, Section 213-30, M-2 Industrial District, Section B Permitted Uses – add Cannabis Micro-cultivator; Chapter 213 Article VI Industrial Districts, Section 213-31, M-3 Industrial District, Section B Permitted Uses – add Cannabis Micro-cultivator; Chapter 213 Article XI Site Plan Approval, Section 213-73.1 – Provisional Special Exceptions – add Micro-cultivator cap
  6. (Recommended) Council Referral – for acquisition of 100 Hanover Street for flood control.

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: October 14, 2021



Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of October 6, 2021 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following actions:

A. Application of DFC of Research 1201, LLC at 1201 Research Pkwy – re-subdivision application (1 lot to 2) of 29.63 acres involving land regulated as an inland wetland or watercourse (Deemed a non-regulated activity and approved)

B. Request for extension of IWWC 2016 Approval - Rockfall Business Park, LLC at 105-113 Pomeroy Ave – for grading and filling in wetland and upland review area for a multi-family (Approved a three year extension)

Notice of Agent Action

A. Application of Dialis Lorenzo aka Ortiz at 107 Old Farm Road – installation of a 24 x 40 detached garage in the upland review area of an intermittent stream (Administratively Approved)

Paul A. Dickson, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, October 7, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of October 5, 2021 at 6:30 p.m., at Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers – 142 East Main St. - Meriden, CT took the following actions:

a. Appeal #4736 at 36 Michael Dr., PF Mik Realty LLC, Owner/Ariana M. Davis dba A&M Automotive LLC, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for an automotive repairer’s garage in the M-2 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Approved with Conditions)

b. Appeal #4737 at 54 Marina Ct., Kimberly M. Tappin, Owner/Anthony Fisher, Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception per Sec. 213-18B(2)(e) for an internet home occupation FFL in the R-1 zone. (Approved)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Wednesday, October 6, 2021



Meriden Planning Commission

 A Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at 6:30 P.M. at the Meriden Public Library – Griffin Room – 105 Miller St, Meriden, CT to consider:

  1. Re-subdivision Application of DFC of Research 1201, LLC – Re-subdivision 1 lot to 2 at 1201 Research Parkway in the M-4 Zone
  2. Special Permit Application per Section 213-27, Table of Uses 213-1, for the addition of auto sales to existing auto service in the TOD-H zone at 181 Hanover Street, application of Francis Zygmont, Owner

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: Thursday, September 30, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice 

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. at Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers Rm. 206 – 142 East Main St. - Meriden, CT relative to the following applications:

a. Appeal #4736 at 36 Michael Dr., PF Mik Realty LLC, Owner/Ariana M. Davis dba A&M Automotive LLC, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for an automotive repairer’s garage in the M-2 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)

b. Appeal #4737 at 54 Marina Ct., Kimberly M. Tappin, Owner/Anthony Fisher, Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception per Sec. 213-18B(2)(e) for an internet home occupation FFL in the R-1 zone.  

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Wednesday, September 22, 2021                                 


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of September 8, 2021 took the following actions:

  1. Consistent with POCD- Zoning Regulation Amendment – Article X Administration and Enforcement, Section 213-71 Penalties for Offenses – addition of Sec. 213-71A Zoning Citation
  2. Consistent with POCD- Zoning Regulation Amendment – Article VIII Supplementary Regulations, Section 213-55 Off-Street Parking - to amend Section 213-55K(1) Minimum parking spaces required schedule for Multiple-Family Dwellings from 2 (two) spaces to 1 (one) spaces for 0-1 bedroom dwelling units and to add language for the requirement of 2 (two spaces) for dwelling units with two or more bedrooms.

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: September 9, 2021


Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of September 7, 2021 at 6:30 p.m., Augusta Curtis Cultural Center, 175 East Main St, Meriden, took the following actions:

    1. Appeal #4732 at 139 Crown Street, Ruth Mirra, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Section 213-12B to reduce the bulk requirements to 2,582 SF for a two family dwelling where 5,000 SF (2,500 DU) is required, and requesting a parking variance per Section 213-55K of 0 parking spaces where 4 parking spaces are required for a two family dwelling in the R-3 zone. (Denied)
    2. Appeal #4733 at 25 Reservoir Avenue, Enrique Carrero, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a side yard variance per Section 213-12B of 4.7’ where 10’is required for an addition to the garage in the R-2 zone. (Approved)
    3. Appeal #4734 at 19 Summary Street, 19 Summary St LLC, Owner and at 351 Kensington Avenue, 351 Kensington Ave LLC, Owner/Wesley Tack, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Section 213-19B(2)(b) for the keeping and grazing of farm animals in the R-2 zone. (Approved with Conditions)
    4. Appeal #4735 at 74 South Third Street, Yvonne Bailey, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Section 213-12B to reduce the bulk requirements to 2,938 SF for a three family dwelling where 12,000 SF (4,000 DU) is required in the R-2 zone. (Approved with Condition)                                                                                

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Wednesday, September 8, 2021



Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of September 1, 2021 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following actions:

Application of SLR International Corporation for City of Meriden – Harbor Brook Channel Improvements, including 3,535sf wetland disturbance for excavation and stream stabilization, and 12,716sf wetland creation/restoration. (Approved)

     Notice of Agent Action

Application of Lawrence DeAntonio at 89 Kennedy Drive – installation of a 14’ x 28’ in-ground pool in the upland review area of an intermittent stream. (Administratively Approved)

Paul A. Dickson, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, September 2, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 6:30 p.m., Augusta Curtis Cultural Center, 175 East Main Street, Meriden relative to the following applications:

    1. Appeal #4732 at 139 Crown Street, Ruth Mirra, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Section 213-12B to reduce the bulk requirements to 2,582 SF for a two family dwelling where 5,000 SF (2,500 DU) is required, and requesting a parking variance per Section 213-55K of 0 parking spaces where 4 parking spaces are required for a two family dwelling in the R-3 zone.
    2. Appeal #4733 at 25 Reservoir Avenue, Enrique Carrero, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a side yard variance per Section 213-12B of 4.7’ where 10’is required for an addition to the garage in the R-2 zone.
    3. Appeal #4734 at 19 Summary Street, 19 Summary St LLC, Owner and at 351 Kensington Avenue, 351 Kensington Ave LLC, Owner/Wesley Tack, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Section 213-19B(2)(b) for the keeping and grazing of farm animals in the R-2 zone.  
    4. Appeal #4735 at 74 South Third Street, Yvonne Bailey, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Section 213-12B to reduce the bulk requirements to 2,938 SF for a three family dwelling where 12,000 SF (4,000 DU) is required in the R-2 zone.

Chairman A. Victor Matias, Jr.

Dated: Thursday, August 26, 2021



Meriden Planning Commission

 A Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, September 8, 2021 at 6:30 P.M. at Meriden City Hall - Council Chambers, Room 206 - 142 East Main St - Meriden, CT to consider:

   Special Permit Application per Section 213-27, Table of Uses 213-1, for a retail cannabis store in the TOD-HC zone at 28 West Main Street, application of Blue Leaf, LLC/BGE, LLC, Owner.

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: Wednesday, August 25, 2021



 The Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. in Room 206, City Hall, 142 East Main St. Meriden, CT on the following application:

Application of SLR International Corporation for City of Meriden – Harbor Brook Channel Improvements, including 3,535sf wetland disturbance for excavation and stream stabilization, and 12,716sf wetland creation/restoration.

At this hearing, persons may appear and be heard and written communications will be reviewed. Plans are on file in the City Planner’s Office, Room 132, City Hall, during regular business hours.

Paul A. Dickson

Planning Director

Dated: August 19, 2021


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of August 11, 2021 took the following actions:

  1. Denied without Prejudice- Site Plan Application of Jonathan Gonzalez at 117 Lincoln Street- for proposed change of use from commercial to residential (8 units) with associated parking lot improvements in the R-3 zone.
  2. Denied without Prejudice- Full bond release request at 530 Gracey Ave. aka Hidden Valley PRD, Hidden Valley Homes c/o Jeffrey DelFavero
  3. Consistent with POCD- Zoning Regulation Amendment - Chapter 213 Article V Commercial Districts, Section 213-25, C-2 General Commercial and C-3 Highway Commercial, Section B Permitted Uses – add Cannabis Retail and Hybrid Retail establishments; Chapter 213 Article V Section 213-27, Transit Oriented Development [TOD] District l (5) Table 213-1 TOD District Uses and 213-27 l (7) - Special Permit Use Requirements - add Cannabis Retail and Hybrid Retail establishments; Chapter 213 Article XI Site Plan Approval, Section 213-73.1 – Provisional Special Exceptions – add new section
  4. Not Consistent with POCD- Zoning Regulation Amendment – Article II Chapter 213 Zoning, Article VII Special Districts, Section 213-39.2 Retail Cannabis Overlay Zone – add new section

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: August 12, 2021    



Notice of Action                                                        

At its Regular Meeting of August 4, 2021 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following action:

   A. Application of SLR International Corporation for City of Meriden – Harbor Brook Channel Improvements, including 3,535sf wetland disturbance for excavation and stream stabilization, and 12,716sf wetland creation/restoration. (Deemed Plenary Activity and Tabled)

                                          Notice of Agent Action

   A. Minor Site Plan modification of AECOM for City of Meriden at 214 Evansville Avenue - WPC High Flow Storage Project, a modification of the 8/1/18 IWWC approval of the Water Pollution Control Facility Improvement (Administratively Approved)

   B. Application of Osman Boluk at 79 Kennedy Drive – installation of a 15 x 24 above ground pool in the upland review area (Administratively Approved)

Paul A. Dickson, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, August 5, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of August 3, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. at Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers – 142 East Main St. - Meriden, CT took the following action:

Appeal #4731 at 64 South Ave, Katabba Muhammad, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a front yard variance per Section 213-48 for a six (6) foot fence to be two (2) feet from the property line, where 25 feet is required in the R-3 zone. (Approved with Condition)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at Meriden City Hall – Council Chambers Rm. 206 – 142 East Main St. - Meriden, CT relative to the following application:

a. Appeal #4731 at 64 South Ave, Katabba Muhammad, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a front yard variance per Section 213-48 for a six (6) foot fence to be two (2) feet from the property line, where 25 feet is required in the R-3 zone.                                                              

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Thursday, July 22, 2021



Special Meeting of the Zoning Commission

August 2, 2021, 5:30 p.m.

This public hearing and meeting will be conducted virtually, pursuant to SB 1202 Sec. 163. This means that you have the ability to view the meeting in real time, through the internet on a computer or other electronic device.

You can access the meeting by following the instructions posted at:

For a direct link to the meeting, follow the link for the City Council meeting found on the calendar on the City of Meriden website or click on this link to the live meeting event:

The public also can make comments on this agenda items (see below) via email at Comments via email will be closed 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting to allow them to be distributed to commission members. Live comments will be available in the Q & A component of the virtual meeting or by call-in to a moderated service.

The number to call in is: 866-342-8588 and the Conference ID is 81200


Item #10 of 7/19/2021:  re:  Temporary and Limited Moratorium on Cannabis Establishments in Order to Adopt Zoning Regulations. 

At this hearing persons may be heard and communications received. Information is available at Room 132 in City Hall and also at the Office of the City Clerk, both at 142 East Main Street.

Sonya Jelks, Majority Leader

Dated July 21, 2021


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of July 14, 2021 took the following actions:

  1. Consistent with POCD- Zoning Regulation Amendment – Revisions to Billboard Overlay District- to repeal and replace the text of its Zoning regulations at Article II Section 213-56 Signs, Subsection E Nonaccessory signs and billboards, Subparagraph ( e) Spacing, to read “Billboards shall be spaced at a horizontal distance of not less than 750 feet from other billboards on the same side of the limited access highway.”
  2. Approved- Full bond release request at 61 Pomeroy Ave. c/o The Casle Corporation
  3. Administratively Approved- TOD Zoning Permit Application of Yvonne Bailey at 61 Colony Street- for proposed change of use from commercial to mixed with 6 residential units and associated parking lot improvements in the TOD-HC zone.

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: July 15, 2021 

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of July 6, 2021 at 6:30 p.m., Augusta Curtis Cultural Center, 175 East Main St., took the following actions:

a. Appeal #4727 and Appeal # 4728 at 1125, 1127, and 1133 East Main Street, Teddy’s Stores, LLC Owner/Applicant. Appeal #4727 Requesting a modification of the special exception for a drive through restaurant, and requesting an additional special exception for a drive through restaurant per Sec. 213-59J in the C-2 zone (Approved with Conditions) and Appeal #4728 Requesting site plan approval per Section 213-72. (Approved with Conditions)

b. Appeal #4730 at 1030 Broad St., Allen M. Barillaro, Owner/Larry Golden dba I Got You Automotive, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for used car dealer and repair in the R-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Approved)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice 

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, July 6, 2021 at 6:30 p.m., Augusta Curtis Cultural Center, 175 East Main Street, Meriden relative to the following applications:

a. Appeal #4727 and Appeal # 4728 at 1125, 1127, and 1133 East Main Street, Teddy’s Stores, LLC Owner/Applicant. Appeal #4727 Requesting a modification of the special exception for a drive through restaurant, and requesting an additional special exception for a drive through restaurant per Sec. 213-59J in the C-2 zone (Continued from 6/1/21) and Appeal #4728 Requesting site plan approval per Section 213-72 (Continued from 6/1/21).

b. Appeal #4730 at 1030 Broad St., Allen M. Barillaro, Owner/Larry Golden dba I Got You Automotive, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for used car dealer and repair in the R-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Thursday, June 24, 2021


The Meriden Planning Commission at its regular meeting of June 9, 2021 took the following action:

Approved- Release of bond at 23 Michael Drive c/o Joseph F. Carabetta

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: June 10, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of June 1, 2021 at 6:30 p.m., hybrid meeting virtually via MS Teams and in person at City Hall, 142 East Main Street, took the following action:

Appeal #4729 at 280 Hanover Street, New Horizons Realty Phase 6 LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance of Section 213-12B to reduce the bulk requirements to 4,148 SF for a two-family building where 8,000 SF (4,000 per DU) is required in the C-4 zone. (Approved with Condition)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice 

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a hybrid virtual Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. via MS Teams relative to the following applications:

a. Appeal #4727 and Appeal # 4728 at 1125, 1127, and 1133 East Main Street, Teddy’s Stores, LLC Owner/Applicant. Appeal #4727 Requesting a modification of the special exception for a drive through restaurant, and requesting an additional special exception for a drive through restaurant per Sec. 213-59J in the C-2 zone and Appeal #4728 Requesting site plan approval per Section 213-72.

b. Appeal #4729 at 280 Hanover Street, New Horizons Realty Phase 6 LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance of Section 213-12B to reduce the bulk requirements to 4,148 SF for a two-family building where 8,000 SF (4,000 per DU) is required in the C-4 zone.

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Thursday, May 20, 2021

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live comments will be available in the Q&A component of the virtual meeting.  Seating will be limited at City Hall, 142 East Main Street.  Please contact the Planning Office to reserve a seat.

Send comments by email to  Comments via email will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting to allow them to be distributed to ZBA members.

The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:

To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the following number:

866-342-8588             Conference ID number is: 52460


The Meriden Planning Commission at its hybrid Regular meeting of May 12, 2021 took the following action:

Conditionally approved- Site Plan Application of Dominick DeMartino at 1201 Research Parkway- for installation of one static billboard and one digital billboard in the M-4/Billboard Overlay zone

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: May 13, 2021           



Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of May 5, 2021 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following action:

Application of City of Meriden - Cedar Street Bridge replacement over Harbor Brook (Approved)

Paul A. Dickson, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, May 6, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action 

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of May 4, 2021 at 6:30 p.m., virtual meeting via MS Teams, took the following action:

Appeal #4726 at 93 Silver Lake Road, Manuel Gines, Owner/Applicant. Requesting two front yard variances per Sec. 213-12B of 10.2’ and 23.8’ where 25’ is required for an addition in the R-1 zone. (Approved)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Wednesday, May 5, 2021



 The Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission will hold a virtual Public Hearing on Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. via MS Teams on the following application:

Application of City of Meriden - Cedar Street Bridge replacement over Harbor Brook

Paul A. Dickson, City Planner

Dated: Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live written comments in the Q&A section of the meeting.

Emailed comments to will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting.

The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:

To provide public comments during the meeting call: 866-831-8616 Conference ID: 73081

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice 

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a virtual Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. via MS Teams relative to the following application:

Appeal #4726 at 93 Silver Lake Road, Manuel Gines, Owner/Applicant. Requesting two front yard variances per Sec. 213-12B of 10.2’ and 23.8’ where 25’ is required for an addition in the R-1 zone.                                                                      

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live comments will be available in the Q&A component of the virtual meeting.

Send comments by email to Comments via email will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting to allow them to be distributed to ZBA members.

The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:

To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the following number:

866-342-8588             Conference ID number is: 66307           



Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of April 7, 2021 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following actions:

  1. Application of Dominick DeMartino at 1201 Research Parkway – for installation of a billboard, access road, culverts, and tree clearing in the wetlands and for installation of a billboard, access road, and tree clearing in the upland review area. (Approved with Conditions)
  2. Application of City of Meriden- Cedar Street Bridge replacement over Harbor Brook (Deemed Plenary Activity and Tabled)

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, April 8, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of April 6, 2021 at 6:30 p.m., virtual meeting via MS Teams, took the following actions:

a. Appeal #4723 at 192 South Broad St., Horizon Home Builders LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-25B to convert a mixed-use building to 3-family with lower level studio apartment in the C-3 zone. (Approved with Condition)

b. Appeal #4724 at 392 West Main St., VIA Properties LLC, Owner/MERIDENWMAIN-NLH23, LLC dba Meineke Car Care, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval for car repair in the C-2 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Approved)

c. Appeal #4725 at 956 Broad St., George S. Chaosky, Jr., Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-56C(5) for digital reader sign in the C-3 zone. (Approved with Conditions)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Wednesday, April 7, 2021



The Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission will continue its virtual Public Hearing on Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. via MS Teams on the following application:

Application of Dominick DeMartino at 1201 Research Parkway – for installation of a billboard, access road, culverts, and tree clearing in the wetlands and for installation of a billboard, access road, and tree clearing in the upland review area.

Paul A. Dickson, City Planner

Posted: Friday, March 26, 2021

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live written comments in the Q&A section of the meeting.

Emailed comments to will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting.

The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:

To provide public comments during the meeting call: (866) 342-8588  Conference ID: 20541 

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a virtual Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. via MS Teams relative to the following applications:

a. Appeal #4723 at 192 South Broad St., Horizon Home Builders LLC, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-25B to convert a mixed-use building to 3-family with lower level studio apartment in the C-3 zone.

b. Appeal #4724 at 392 West Main St., VIA Properties LLC, Owner/MERIDENWMAIN-NLH23, LLC dba Meineke Car Care, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval for car repair in the C-2 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)

c. Appeal #4725 at 956 Broad St., George S. Chaosky, Jr., Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-56C(5) for digital reader sign in the C-3 zone.                                                  

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live comments will be available in the Q&A component of the virtual meeting.

Send comments by email to Comments via email will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting to allow them to be distributed to ZBA members.

The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:

 To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the following number:

866-831-8616    Conference ID number is: 95307


The Meriden Planning Commission at its virtual Regular meeting of March 10, 2021 took the following actions:

  1. Recommended City Council Approve- Zoning Regulation Amendment Article II Sections 213-23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 36 to make “religious assemblies and institutions including places of worship, parochial schools, meeting rooms, and recreation facilities customarily accessory to such uses” an as of right use in Commercial & Industrial districts as described in attachment; Sec. 213-26 to reword places of worship/religious assemblies as a special exception use in the C-4 zone.
  2. Approved- Full Bond Release at 828 Old Colony Road.                       

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: March 11, 2021           




At its Public Hearing of March 3, 2021 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following action:

Application of Dominick DeMartino at 701 Research Parkway – for installation of an access road in the upland review area. (Approved with Conditions)

Paul A. Dickson, Planning Director

Dated:   Thursday, March 4, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of March 2, 2021 at 6:30 p.m., virtual meeting via MS Teams, took the following actions:

    1. Appeal #4719 at 501 South Curtis Street, Meriden Makeovers LLC, Owner/Hamza Lehnoud, Applicant. Requesting a front yard variance from 25’to 15.4’ for the construction of a single family dwelling per Sec. 213-12B in the R-1 zone. (APPROVED WITH CONDITION)
    2. Appeal #4720 at 752 East Main Street, Michael Scott Hazard, Owner/Achieve Financial Credit Union, Applicant. Requesting a modification to the special exception for an existing drive through per Section 213-25B(2)(c) in the C-3 zone. (APPROVED) Requesting a variance for the front yard setback on a collector street (Williams Street), from 45 ft to 31.3 ft per Sec. 213-48D(2) in the C-3 zone. (APPROVED) Requesting a variance to locate a drive through in the front yard per section 213-59A. (APPROVED)
    3. Appeal #4721 and Appeal #4722 at 450 & 460 Lewis Avenue, Macy’s Retail Holdings, Inc., Meriden Realty LLC, Meriden Nassim LLC & et al, Namdar Realty Group LLC, Owners/MedCraft Healthcare Real Estate LLC, Applicant. Appeal #4721 Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-25B(2)(r) for healthcare services in the C-2 zone (APPROVED) and Appeal #4722 site plan modification approval per section 213-72. (APPROVED) 

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Wednesday, March 3, 2021




  Notice of Action

The City of Meriden Inland Wetland Agent took the following action: 

Application of MedCraft Healthcare Real Estate LLC at 460 Lewis Avenue- for parking lot improvements in the upland review area (Administratively Approved)

Paul A. Dickson, Planning Director

Dated:   Friday, February 26, 2021 


Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a virtual Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. via MS Teams relative to the following applications:

    1. Appeal #4719 at 501 South Curtis Street, Meriden Makeovers LLC, Owner/Hamza Lehnoud, Applicant. Requesting a front yard variance from 25’to 15.4’ for the construction of a single family dwelling per Sec. 213-12B in the R-1 zone.
    2. Appeal #4720 at 752 East Main Street, Michael Scott Hazard, Owner/Achieve Financial Credit Union, Applicant. Requesting a modification to the special exception for an existing drive through per Section 213-25B(2)(c) in the C-3 zone. Requesting a variance for the front yard setback on a collector street (Williams Street), from 45 ft to 31.3 ft per Sec. 213-48D(2) in the C-3 zone. Requesting a variance to locate a drive through in the front yard per section 213-59A.
    3. Appeal #4721 and Appeal #4722 at 450 & 460 Lewis Avenue, Macy’s Retail Holdings, Inc., Meriden Realty LLC, Meriden Nassim LLC & et al, Namdar Realty Group LLC, Owners/MedCraft Healthcare Real Estate LLC, Applicant. Appeal #4721 Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-25B(2)(r) for healthcare services in the C-2 zone and Appeal #4722 site plan modification approval per section 213-72.                                                                      

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Thursday, February 18, 2021     

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live comments will be available in the Q&A component of the virtual meeting.

Send comments by email to Comments via email will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting to allow them to be distributed to ZBA members.  

The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:

To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the following number:

866-342-8588             Conference ID number is: 85631



 The Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission will hold a virtual Public Hearing on Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. via MS Teams on the following application:

Application of Dominick DeMartino at 1201 Research Parkway – for installation of a billboard, access road, culverts, and tree clearing in the wetlands and for installation of a billboard, access road, and tree clearing in the upland review area.

Paul A. Dickson

City Planner

Dated: Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live written comments in the Q&A section of the meeting.

Emailed comments to will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting.

The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:                                   

To provide public comments during the meeting call: (877) 876-9173 Conference ID: 20541


The Meriden Planning Commission at its virtual Regular meeting of February 10, 2021 took the following action:

Conditionally approved- Site Plan Application and Erosion Control Plan of Dominick DeMartino/DFC of Cromwell at 701 Research Parkway- Proposed digital billboard in the Billboard Overlay District (M-4)              

Paul Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: February 11, 2021



Notice of Action

At its Regular Meeting of February 3, 2021 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following actions:

A. Application of Dominick DeMartino at 701 Research Parkway – for installation of an access road in the upland review area. (Deemed Summary and Tabled)

B. Application of Dominick DeMartino at 1201 Research Parkway – for installation of a billboard, access road, culverts, and tree clearing in the wetlands and for installation of a billboard, access road, and tree clearing in the upland review area. (Deemed Plenary and Tabled)

The City of Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Agent took the following action per Section 11.12 of the City of Meriden IWWC Regulations: 

A. Application of Mark Development, LLC at 850 Murdock Avenue- for planting of an evergreen buffer in the upland review area. (Approved)

Paul A. Dickson, Planning Director

Dated: Thursday, February 4, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action 

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of February 2, 2021 at 6:30 p.m., virtual meeting via MS Teams, took the following actions:

a. Appeal #4717 at 399 South Colony Street, Jerusalem Church of God 7th Day, Owner/Shermane L. Fletcher, Applicant. Requesting a special exception for childcare provider class III per Sec. 213-31 B(2) (g) in the M-3 zone. (Approved with Conditions)

b. Appeal #4718 at 275 Research Parkway, GIRI Meriden, LLC, Owner/275 Research Pkwy, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-29B for conversion of existing hotel to mixed use residential/commercial in the M-1 zone. (Approved with Conditions)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a virtual Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. via MS Teams relative to the following applications:

    1. Appeal #4716 at 42 Billard Street, Silver City Auto Detailing LLC, Owner/Art Klatt, Applicant. Requesting a special exception for a change of use for the front half of the building from the non-conforming auto detailing to a non-conforming used car sales per Sec. 213-61A in the R-3 zone, and a Certificate of Location Approval for used car sales in the R-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)
    2. Appeal #4717 at 399 South Colony Street, Jerusalem Church of God 7th Day, Owner/ Shermane L. Fletcher, Applicant. Requesting a special exception for childcare provider class III per Section 213-31B (2)(g) in the M-3 zone.
    3. Appeal #4718 at 275 Research Parkway, GIRI Meriden, LLC, Owner/275 Research Pkwy, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-29B for conversion of existing hotel to mixed use residential/commercial in the M-1 zone.                                                                 

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live comments will be available in the Q&A component of the virtual meeting.

Send comments by email to Comments via email will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting to allow them to be distributed to ZBA members.

Instructions on how to access the virtual meeting can be found at the top of the Meriden website. The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:

To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the following number:

866-342-8588             Conference ID number is: 85631           


The Meriden Planning Commission at its virtual Regular meeting of January 13, 2021 took the following actions:

1. Conditionally approved- C.A. Site Plan Application of Mark Development LLC at 850 Murdock Avenue- for proposed 163,333 sf distribution facility with executive offices and 195,276 sf of impervious surface in the RDD Zone. 

2. Approved the release of bond at 450 Allen Avenue                       

Paul Dickson

Planning Director

Posted: January 14, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its Special Meeting of January 12, 2021 at 6:30 p.m., virtual meeting via MS Teams, took the following action:

 Appeal #4713 at 502 West Main Street, Centennial Main, LLC, Owner/DealPoint Merrill, Applicant. Requesting a use variance per Sec. 213-25B for self-storage facility in the C-2 zone. (Approved with Conditions) 

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr

Posted: Wednesday, January 13, 2021


Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Agent

Notice of Action

The City of Meriden Inland Wetland Agent took the following actions: 

  1. Application of Jonas Concepcion at 89 Leonard Street- for excavation for an in-ground pool installation (Administratively Approved)
  2. Application of City of Meriden at Bailey Avenue Extension right-of-way- to repave roadway, construct riprap drainage swales, and for minor grading to promote positive storm water drainage. (Administratively Approved)

Paul A. Dickson

Acting Planning Director

Posted:   Thursday, January 7, 2021

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Special Public Hearing on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 via MS Teams relative to the following applications:

    1. Appeal #4713 at 502 West Main Street, Centennial Main, LLC, Owner/DealPoint Merrill, Applicant. Requesting a use variance per Sec. 213-25B for self-storage facility in the C-2 zone.
    2. Appeal #4716 at 42 Billard Street, Silver City Auto Detailing LLC, Owner/Art Klatt, Applicant. Requesting a special exception for a change of use for the front half of the building from the non-conforming auto detailing to a non-conforming used car sales per Sec. 213-61A in the R-3 zone, and a Certificate of Location Approval for used car sales in the R-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)
    3. Appeal #4717 at 399 South Colony Street, Jerusalem Church of God 7th Day, Owner/Shermane L. Fletcher, Applicant. Requesting a special exception for childcare provider class III per Sec. 213-31 B(2) (g) in the M-3 zone.

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Dated: Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live written comments in the Q&A section of the meeting.

Emailed comments to will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting.

The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:

To provide public comments during the meeting call:  (866) 342-8588  Conference ID: 93556



 Meriden Planning Commission 

A virtual Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, January 13, 2021 at 6:30 P.M. via MS Teams to consider:

C.A. Site Plan Application of Mark Development LLC at 850 Murdock Avenue- for proposed 163,333 sf distribution facility with executive offices and 195,276 sf of impervious surface in the RDD Zone.                                                                                     

                                                                                    Paul Dickson, Acting Planning Director

                                                                                    Dated: Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live written comments in the Q&A section of the meeting.

Emailed comments to will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting.

The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:

To provide public comments during the meeting call: (866) 342-8588 Conference ID: 87514





 At a meeting of the City Council on Monday, December 7, 2020 the following items were considered:

  1. City Council acting in its capacity as the Zoning Commission APPROVED the petition for Zoning Regulations Amendment at Article II Section 213-72; “Proposed Zoning Regulation Amendment Site Plan Application Procedure.”
  2. City Council acting in its capacity as the Zoning Commission APPROVED the petition for Zoning Regulations Amendment at Article II Section 213-73; Special Exceptions to “Proposed Zoning Regulation Amendment Special Exceptions”.

The above amendments will become effective December 21, 2020

Lori N. Canney

Clerk of the City Council

Dated this 11th day of December 2020

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular virtual meeting of December 1, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. via MS Teams took the following actions:

a. Appeal #4714 at 501 South Curtis Street, Meriden Makeovers LLC, Owner/Hamza Lehnoud, Applicant. Requesting a front yard variance from 25’to 15.4’ for the construction of 2 additional stories of a non-conforming building per Sec. 213-48 (Denied without Prejudice), and a special exception for a change of use from the non-conforming retail to a non-conforming mixed use office/residential, per Section 213-61A in the R-1 zone. (Denied without Prejudice)

b. Appeal #4715 at 998 North Colony Road, Dominick A. DeRobertis Jr., Owner/Logan’s Run Transportation Service dba Tyler’s Total Truck Service, Applicant.   Requesting a special exception for a repairer’s license, per Section 213-30B(2)(e) in the M-2 zone (Approved), and a location approval for a repairer’s license in the M-2 zone (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT). (Approved) 

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Posted: Wednesday, December 2, 2020 


Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a virtual Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. via MS Teams relative to the following applications:

    1. Appeal #4713 at 502 West Main Street, Centennial Main, LLC, Owner/DealPoint Merrill, Applicant. Requesting a use variance per Sec. 213-25B for self-storage facility in the C-2 zone.
    2. Appeal #4714 at 501 South Curtis Street, Meriden Makeovers LLC, Owner/Hamza Lehnoud, Applicant. Requesting a front yard variance from 25’to 15.4’ for the construction of 2 additional stories of a non-conforming building per Sec. 213-48, and a special exception for a change of use from the non-conforming retail to a non-conforming mixed use office/residential, per Section 213-61A in the R-1 zone.
    3. Appeal #4715 at 998 North Colony Road, Dominick A. DeRobertis Jr., Owner/Logan’s Run Transportation Service dba Tyler’s Total Truck Service, Applicant.   Requesting a special exception for a repairer’s license, per Section 213-30B(2)(e) in the M-2 zone, and a location approval for a repairer’s license in the M-2 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT).
    4. Appeal #4716 at 42 Billard Street, Silver City Auto Detailing LLC, Owner/Art Klatt, Applicant. Requesting a special exception for a change of use for the front half of the building from the non-conforming auto detailing to a non-conforming used car sales per Sec. 213-61A in the R-3 zone, and a Certificate of Location Approval for used car sales in the C-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)                                                                       

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Posted: Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live comments will be available in the Q&A component of the virtual meeting.

Send comments by email to Comments via email will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting to allow them to be distributed to ZBA members.

Instructions on how to access the virtual meeting can be found at the top of the Meriden website. The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:


To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the following numbers:

866-342-8588 or 203-518-9865          Conference ID number is: 20647

 The agenda can be found at the following link: DOCUMENTS ON DEMAND




Economic Development, Housing & Zoning Committee

Meriden City Council

November 17, 2020, 5:30 p.m.

This public hearing and meeting will be conducted virtually, pursuant to the State of Connecticut Governor’s Executive Order No. 7B, as amended. This means that you have the ability to view the meeting in real time, through the internet on a computer or other electronic device.

Instructions on how to access the meeting can be found at the top of the City’s website homepage

The meeting can be accessed by following this link:

 A call in number will be on the agenda posted at


Item #9 of 10/5/2020:     Petition of Meriden Planning Department to repeal and replace the text of its Zoning Regulation at Article II, Section 213-72, Certificate of Approval required: application procedure entitled “Proposed Zoning Regulation Amendment Site Plan Application Procedure”. 

 Item #10 of 10/5/2020: Petition of Meriden Planning Department to repeal and replace the text of its Zoning Regulation at Article II, Section 213-73, Special Exceptions to “Proposed Zoning Regulation Amendment Special Exceptions”.

At this hearing persons may be heard and communications received. Information is available at Room 132 in City Hall and also the Office of the City Clerk, both at 142 East Main Street.

David D. Lowell, Chairperson

Posted: November 4, 2020

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its virtual regular meeting of Monday, November 2, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. via MS Teams took the following actions: 

  1. Appeal #4712 at 193 So. Colony Street, Pedro Echevarria, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-60B for expansion of a non-conforming use of a 2-family to a 3-family in the M-3 zone. (Approved)
  2. Appeal #4711 at 1821 No. Broad Street, DSI1 LLC, Owner/Dawn Marshall dba DM Auto Sales LLC, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval for used car dealer in the C-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Approved) 

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Posted: Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a virtual Public Hearing on Monday, November 2, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. via MS Teams relative to the following applications:

    1. Appeal #4712 at 193 So. Colony Street, Pedro Echevarria, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Sec. 213-60B for expansion of a non-conforming use from a 2-family to a 3-family in the M-3 zone.
    2. Appeal #4713 at 502 West Main Street, Centennial Main, LLC, Owner/DealPoint Merrill, Applicant. Requesting a use variance per Sec. 213-25B for a self-storage facility in the C-2 zone.                                                                  

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Posted: Wednesday, October 21, 2020        

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live comments will be available in the Q&A component of the virtual meeting.

Send comments by email to Comments via email will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting to allow them to be distributed to ZBA members.

Instructions on how to access the virtual meeting can be found at the top of the Meriden website. The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:

To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the following number:

1-888-632-3385          Conference ID: 20647

 The agenda can be found at the following link: DOCUMENTS ON DEMAND    




The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of October 14, 2020 took the following actions:

  1. Conditionally approved- The draft Consent Order of the United States of America (DOJ) v. the City of Meriden, subject to revisions of paragraphs 16 and 21
  2. Conditionally approved- C.A. Site Plan Application of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church at 94 Preston Avenue- Proposed 5,724 sf place of worship and construction of a parking lot.
  3. Recommended City Council approve- Zoning Regulation Amendment –to repeal and replace the text of its Zoning Regulation at Article II Section 213-72, Certificate of approval required; application procedure
  4. Recommend City Council approve- Zoning Regulation Amendment – to repeal and replace the text of its Zoning Regulation at Article II Section 213-73 Special exceptions 

Paul Dickson

Assistant Planning Director

Posted: October 19, 2020      

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its virtual Special Meeting of October 13, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. via MS Teams took the following actions:

  1. Appeal #4706 (amended application) at 18 Sylvester Street, Petra Perez, Owner/Juventino Perez, Applicant. Requesting a front yard variance reduction to 1.9’ where 25’ is required for a porch and a rear yard variance to 6’ where 25’ is required for an addition, per Section 213-48 in the R-1 zone.(Approved)
  2. Appeal #4707 at 325 Chamberlain Highway, J & JIT Plaza LLC, Owner/Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal M.I. “En Las Manos de Dios” INC., Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Section 213-25B (2)(e) for a place of worship in the C-3 zone. (Approved)
  3. Appeal #4709 at 94 Preston Avenue, Kevin & Rosemarie Green, Owners/ St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Section 213-18B(2)(a) to build a place of worship in the R-1 zone. (Approved)
  4. Appeal #4710 at 256 Broad Street, Laura Falconieri, Owner/Willard Marquis dba Broad St Auto Sales & Service, Applicant.  Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval in the R-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Approved with condition)

 Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Posted: Wednesday, October 14, 2020



Notice of Action

At its regular meeting of October 7, 2020 the Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Commission took the following actions:

A. Application of St. Andrew's Church at 94 Preston Avenue- proposed construction of a drainage system/swale and installation of a sewer lateral in the upland review area. (Deemed Summary Activity and Approved)

Paul A. Dickson

Assistant Planning Director

Posted: Thursday, October 8, 2020

  Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Special Meeting

Rescheduled from October 6, 2020 due to technical difficulties

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Special Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. via MS Teams relative to the following applications:

  1. Appeal #4706 (amended application) at 18 Sylvester Street, Petra Perez, Owner/Juventino Perez, Applicant. Requesting a front yard variance reduction to 1.9’ where 25’ is required for a porch and a rear yard variance to 6’ where 25’ is required for an addition, per Section 213-48 in the R-1 zone.
  2. Appeal #4707 at 325 Chamberlain Highway, J & JIT Plaza LLC, Owner/Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal M.I. “En Las Manos de Dios” INC., Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Section 213-25B (2)(e) for a place of worship in the C-3 zone.
  3. Appeal #4709 at 94 Preston Avenue, Kevin & Rosemarie Green, Owners/ St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Section 213-18B(2)(a) to build a place of worship in the R-1 zone.
  4. Appeal #4710 at 256 Broad Street, Laura Falconieri, Owner/Willard Marquis dba Broad St Auto Sales & Service, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval in the R-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)     

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Posted: Wednesday, October 7, 2020                                                 

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live comments will be available in the Q&A component of the virtual meeting. Send comments by email to Comments via email will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting to allow them to be distributed to ZBA members.

The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:

To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the following number:

1-203-666-2306          Conference ID: 349 441 755#

The agenda can be found at the following link: DOCUMENTS ON DEMAND    



    Economic Development, Housing & Zoning Committee

Meriden City Council

A Public Hearing will be held virtually on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. to consider the following:

Item 9 of 10/5/2020:       Petition of Meriden Planning Department to amend the text of its zoning regulation at Article II Section 213-48A– to amend the requirements for building on unaccepted streets 

At this hearing persons may be heard and communications received. Information is available at Room 132 in City Hall and also the Office of the City Clerk, both at 142 East Main Street.

David D. Lowell, Chairperson

Posted: October 6, 2020

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice 

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 via MS Teams relative to the following applications:

  1. Appeal #4706 (amended application) at 18 Sylvester Street, Petra Perez, Owner/Juventino Perez, Applicant. Requesting a front yard variance reduction to 1.9’ where 25’ is required for a porch and a rear yard variance to 6’ where 25’ is required for an addition, per Section 213-48 in the R-1 zone.
  2. Appeal #4707 at 325 Chamberlain Highway, J & JIT Plaza LLC, Owner/Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal M.I. “En Las Manos de Dios” INC., Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Section 213-25B (2)(e) for a place of worship in the C-3 zone.
  3. Appeal #4709 at 94 Preston Avenue, Kevin & Rosemarie Green, Owners/ St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Section 213-18B(2)(a) to build a place of worship in the R-1 zone.
  4. Appeal #4710 at 256 Broad Street, Laura Falconieri, Owner/Willard Marquis dba Broad St Auto Sales & Service, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval in the R-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)                                                                                

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr. 

Posted: Monday, September 21, 2020

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live comments will be available in the Q&A component of the virtual meeting.

Send comments by email to Comments via email will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting to allow them to be distributed to ZBA members.

The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:

To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the following number:

1-203-666-2306          Conference ID: 678 265 754#

The agenda can be found at the following link: DOCUMENTS ON DEMAND  

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of September 1, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall – City Council Chambers - 142 East Main St. - Meriden, CT (live event broadcast via MS Teams) took the following actions:

    1. Appeal #4699 at 980 Old Colony Road, General Iron & Welding Inc., Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception for a repairer’s garage per Section 213-31(2)(c), (Approved with Conditions) and requesting a Certificate of Location Approval in the M-3 zone (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Continued from 7/7/20) (Approved)
    2. Appeal #4701 at 123 Alexander Drive, Clifford & Amy Kennedy, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a front yard variance of 36’ where 40’ is required for an addition per Section 213-48 in the R-R zone. (Approved)
    3. Appeal #4702 at 42 Billard Street, Silver City Auto Detailing LLC Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception per Sec. 213-61A for change of use to add a residential unit to an existing commercial building in the R-3 zone. (Approved)
    4. Appeal #4703 at 480 Liberty Street, Mary Jo O’Brien, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a front yard variance of 12’.4” where 25’ is required for a porch per Sec. 213-48 in the R-1 zone. (Approved
    5. Appeal #4704 at 788 East Main Street, Shamrock Real Estate Holdings LLC, Owner/ Devon Devin Roberts, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval for used car dealer in the C-3 zone (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Approved)
    6. Appeal #4705 at 94 Preston Avenue, Kevin & Rosemarie Green, Owners/ St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Applicant. Requesting a special exception to build a place of worship, per Section 213-18B(2)(a) in the R-1 zone. (Withdrawn)
    7. Appeal #4706 at 18 Sylvester Street, Petra Perez, Owner/ Juventino Perez, Applicant. Requesting a front yard variance of 15’ where 25’ is required for a porch, per Section 213-48 in the R-1 zone. (Postponed) 

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Posted: September 2, 2020                                                                           

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 1, 2020 via MS Teams relative to the following applications:

    1. Appeal #4699 at 980 Old Colony Road, General Iron & Welding Inc., Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception for a repairer’s garage per Section 213-31(2)(c), and requesting a Certificate of Location Approval in the M-3 zone (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Continued from 7/7/20)
    2. Appeal #4701 at 123 Alexander Drive, Clifford & Amy Kennedy, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a front yard variance of 36’ where 40’ is required for an addition per Section 213-48 in the R-R zone.
    3. Appeal #4702 at 42 Billard Street, Silver City Auto Detailing LLC Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception per Sec. 213-61A for change of use to add a residential unit to an existing commercial building in the R-3 zone.
    4. Appeal #4703 at 480 Liberty Street, Mary Jo O’Brien, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a front yard variance of 12’-4” where 25’ is required for a porch per Sec. 213-48 in the R-1 zone.
    5. Appeal #4704 at 788 East Main Street, Shamrock Real Estate Holdings LLC, Owner/ Devon Roberts, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval for used car dealer in the C-3 zone (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)
    6. Appeal #4705 at 94 Preston Avenue, Kevin & Rosemarie Green, Owners/ St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Applicant. Requesting a special exception to build a place of worship, per Section 213-18B(2)(a) in the R-1 zone.
    7. Appeal #4706 at 18 Sylvester Street, Petra Perez, Owner/Juventino Perez, Applicant. Requesting a front yard variance of 15’ where 25’ is required for a porch, per Section 213-48 in the R-1 zone.                                                   

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Posted: Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live comments will be available in the Q&A component of the virtual meeting.

Send comments by email to Comments via email will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting to allow them to be distributed to ZBA members.

Instructions on how to access the virtual meeting can be found at the top of the Meriden website. The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:

To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the following number:

1-203-666-2306          Conference ID: 608 120 391#

 The agenda can be found at the following link: DOCUMENTS ON DEMAND    


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular meeting of August 12, 2020 took the following actions:

  1. Conditionally approved- Special Permit Application per Section 213-27, Table of Uses 213-1, for 1,500 sf package store in the TOD-HC zone at 57 West Main Street aka 63 West Main Street, application of Rajesh Patel, Applicant/Silver City Properties LLC, Owner.
  2. Conditionally approved- C.A. Site Plan Application of LaRosa Construction at 1415 North Colony Road- Proposed 10,000 sf addition to existing building       

                                                                                                      Paul Dickson

                                                                                                      Assistant Planning Director

    Posted: August 13, 2020        



Notice of Agent Action

The City of Meriden Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Agent took the following actions per section 11.12 of the City of Meriden IWWC Regulations: 

  1. Application of Fred S. Mendyk at 22 Lucia Drive- for as-of-right activity for landscape maintenance (Administratively Approved)
  2. Application of George Cancel Inc. dba Tele-Networks at 170 Pond View Drive- for underground conduit installation (Administratively Approved with Conditions)
  3. Application of Quinnipiac River Watershed Association at 540 Oregon Road- for boat launch for recreational boating and routine maintenance (Administratively Approved)

                                                                                    Paul A. Dickson

                                                                                    Assistant Planning Director

   Posted:   Monday, August 3, 2020



Meriden Planning Commission 

A virtual Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 6:30 P.M. via MS Teams to consider:

Special Permit Application per Section 213-27, Table of Uses 213-1, for 1,500 sf package store in the TOD-HC zone at 57 West Main Street aka 63 West Main Street, application of Rajesh Patel, Applicant/Silver City Properties LLC, Owner.                                                                                             

                                                                                                Renata Bertotti, Planning Director

                                                                                                Posted: Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live comments will be available in the Q&A component of the virtual meeting.

Send comments by email to Comments via email will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting to allow them to be distributed to Planning Commission members.

Instructions on how to access the virtual meeting can be found at the top of the Meriden website. The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:

To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the following number:

1-203-666-2306          Conference ID: 906 582 54#

 The agenda can be found at the following link: DOCUMENTS ON DEMAND

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, August 4, 2020 via MS Teams relative to the following applications:

a. Appeal #4699 at 980 Old Colony Road, General Iron & Welding Inc., Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception for a repairer’s garage per Section 213-31(2)(c), and requesting a Certificate of Location Approval in the M-3 zone (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Continued from 7/7/20)

b. Appeal #4701 at 123 Alexander Drive, Clifford & Amy Kennedy, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a front yard variance of 36’ where 40’ is required for an addition per Section 213-48 in the R-R zone.

c. Appeal #4702 at 42 Billard Street, Silver City Auto Detailing LLC Owner/Applicant. Requesting a Special Exception per Sec. 213-61A for change of use to add a residential unit to an existing commercial building in the R-3 zone.

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live comments will be available in the Q&A component of the virtual meeting.

Send comments by email to Comments via email will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting to allow them to be distributed to ZBA members.

Instructions on how to access the virtual meeting can be found at the top of the Meriden website. The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar or from this link:

To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the following number:

1-203-666-2306    Conference ID 376 067 320#

 The agenda can be found at the following link: DOCUMENTS ON DEMAND          

Chairman Victor A, Matias, Jr.

Posted: Wednesday, July 22, 2020


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Regular Meeting of July 8, 2020 took the following actions:

  1. Conditionally approved- A. Site Plan Application of 812 Old Colony Road (Front & Rear) and 828 Old Colony Road - Site Plan application for expansion of existing recycler’s yard at 828 Old Colony Rd. to incorporate the two parcels at 812 Old Colony Rd. for office, storage, and vehicle processing (de-polluting), and vehicle storage areas. 
  2. Recommended City Council approve- Zoning Regulation Amendment to amend the text of its Zoning regulations at Article II Section 213-48A– to amend the requirements for building on unaccepted streets
  3. Approved the release of bond for Kyle Court
  4. Approved the release of bond for Loureiro Contractors, 45 Gracey Avenue

Paul Dickson

Assistant Planning Director

Posted: July 9, 2020

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its regular meeting of July 7, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall – City Council Chambers - 142 East Main St. - Meriden, CT (live event broadcast virtually via MS Teams) took the following action:

Appeal #4700 at 5 Oriole Way, Sammy & Bonita Aponte, Owners/Applicants. Requesting a front yard variance per Section 213-44 for a pool to be 15’ where 25’ is required in the front yard. Requesting a front yard variance per Section 213-48F(2) for a 6’ fence where 4’ is required in the R-1 zone. (Approved)

                                                                                 Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Posted: Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Legal Notice of Action

The Meriden Planning Commission at its Special Meeting of June 23, 2020 took the following action:

Approved- The resolution regarding the settlement of a lawsuit with Omar Islamic Center Inc.

Renata Bertotti

Planning Director

Posted: June 26, 2020

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Virtual Public Hearing on Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. via MS Teams relative to the following applications:

  1. Appeal #4699 at 980 Old Colony Road, General Iron & Welding Inc., Owner/Applicant.  Requesting a Special Exception for a repairer’s garage per Section 213-31(2)(c), and requesting a Certificate of Location Approval in the M-3 zone (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)
  2.  Appeal #4700 at 5 Oriole Way, Sammy & Bonita Aponte, Owners/Applicants.  Requesting a front yard variance per Section 213-44 for a pool to be 15’ where 25’ is required in the front yard.  Requesting a front yard variance per Section 213-48F(2) for a 6’ fence where 4’ is required in the R-1 zone.

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live comments will be available in the Q&A component of the virtual meeting.

Send comments by email to Comments via email will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting to allow them to be distributed to ZBA members.

Instructions on how to access the virtual meeting can be found at the top of the Meriden website. The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar link here:

To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the following number:

1-203-666-2306          Conference ID 445 969 78#

 The agenda can be found at the following link: DOCUMENTS ON DEMAND    

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Posted:  Tuesday,  June 23, 2020



     Legal Notice of Action

The Meriden Planning Commission at its virtual meeting of June 10, 2020 took the following actions:

1. Conditionally approved- C.A. Site Plan Application of Will Cintas at 311 West Main Street- Proposed conversion of 43,019 sf portion of existing buildings and construction of a truck canopy in the existing parking lot for a mixed-use U-Haul facility.

2. Conditionally approved the release of bond for 901 North Colony Road

Paul Dickson

Assistant Planning Director

Posted: June 11, 2020




 At a meeting of the City Council on Monday, June 1, 2020 the following items were considered:

  1. City Council acting in its capacity as the Zoning Commission APPROVED AS AMENDED the petition for Zoning Regulations Amendment at Article II, Sections 213-23c(4)-to amend the           requirements for outdoor dining area in Commercial Zoning Districts; Article 213-27 I    (6)(d)-to amend the requirements for outdoor dining in the Transit Oriented District.

PUBLISH:  Record-Journal

June 10, 2020

This regulation amendment will become effective June 15, 2020.

Dated at Meriden, Connecticut this 9th day of June, 2020.

                                                                                                                                Lori N. Canney

                                                                                                                                Clerk of the City Council

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its virtual meeting of June 2, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. via MS Teams took the following actions:

 Appeal #4695 at 812 Old Colony Rd. (front & rear) & 828 Old Colony Rd., 812 Old Colony Road Meriden LLC, 780 OC LLC, & 828 Old Colony Road LLC, Owners/Silver City Recycling, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a special exception modification per Sec. 213-31B(2)(a) for motor vehicle recycler facility (junk yard) in the M-3 zone (Approved with Conditions) and requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for motor vehicle recycler’s (junkyard) yard in the M-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Approved)

Appeal #4698 at 7 Geer Ave., Luis & Natalie Ponce, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Section 213-12B for a front yard setback of 12.5’ where 25’ is required and requesting a rear yard setback of 23’ where 25’ is required for an addition in the R-2 zone. (Approved)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Posted:  Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice of Action

 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden at its Special Virtual Meeting of May 20, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. via MS Teams took the following actions:

  1. Appeal #4692 at 65 Hicks Ave. Unit #15, CRW Systems Inc, Owner/Tri-State Auto Sales LLC, Applicant. Requesting a use variance per Sec. 213-30B for used car dealer and repair in the M-2 zone (Approved) and requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for used car sales and repair in the M-2 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)(Approved)
  2. Appeal #4693 at 45 Spruce St., John M. Schmidt, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18(2)(b) for the keeping of chickens in the R-1 zone. (Denied)
  3. Appeal #4694 at 1030 Broad St., Allen M. Barillaro, Owner/Jose L. Maldonado dba T-Rex Auto Body LLC, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for used car dealer and repair in the R-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT) (Approved)
  4. Appeal #4696 at 96 Botsford St., Nathan Meyers, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Section 213-12B for a 5.3’ side yard setback where 10’ is required for an existing house, and Sec. 213-12B for lot width of 77.33’ where 90’ is required in the R-1 zone. (Approved with Condition)
  5. Appeal #4697 at 255 East Main St., Coffee Shop Properties, LLC Owner/Applicant.  Requesting a parking variance per Section 213-55K(1) of 23 parking spaces where 26 are required in the C-1 zone. (Approved)

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Posted:  Friday, May 22, 2020

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals

Legal Notice

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Virtual Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 via MS Teams relative to the following applications:

  1. Appeal #4695 at 812 Old Colony Rd. (front & rear) & 828 Old Colony Rd., 812 Old Colony Road Meriden LLC, 780 OC LLC, & 828 Old Colony Road LLC, Owners/Silver City Recycling, LLC, Applicant. Requesting a special exception modification per Sec. 213-31B(2)(a) for motor vehicle recycler facility (junk yard) in the M-3 zone and requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for motor vehicle recycler’s (junkyard) yard in the M-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)
  2. Appeal #4698 at 7 Geer Ave., Luis & Natalie Ponce, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Section 213-12B for a front yard setback of 12.5’ where 25’ is required and requesting a rear yard setback of 23’ where 25’ is required for an addition in the R-2 zone.

The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live comments will be available in the Q&A component of the virtual meeting.

Send comments by email to Comments via email will be closed one hour prior to the start of the meeting to allow them to be distributed to ZBA members.

Instructions on how to access the virtual meeting can be found at the top of the Meriden website. The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar link here:

To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the following number:

1-888-632-3385          Passcode: 1425

 The agenda can be found at the following link: DOCUMENTS ON DEMAND                                                                                    

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Posted: Wednesday, May 20, 2020


 Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals


Continuation of Public Hearing Announcement

 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Special Virtual Public Hearing on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 6:30 p.m. relative to the following applications (this is a continuation of the Public Hearing from 5/5/20):

  1. Appeal #4692 at 65 Hicks Ave. Unit #15, CRW Systems Inc, Owner/Tri-State Auto Sales LLC, Applicant. Requesting a use variance per Sec. 213-30B for used car dealer and repair in the M-2 zone and requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for used car sales and repair in the M-2 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)
  2. Appeal #4693 at 45 Spruce St., John M. Schmidt, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18(2)(b) for the keeping of chickens in the R-1 zone.
  3. Appeal #4694 at 1030 Broad St., Allen M. Barillaro, Owner/Jose L. Maldonado dba T-Rex Auto Body LLC, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for used car dealer and repair in the R-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)
  4. Appeal #4696 at 96 Botsford St., Nathan Meyers, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Section 213-12B for a 5.3’ side yard setback where 10’ is required for an existing house, and Sec. 213-12B for lot width of 77.33’ where 90’ is required in the R-1 zone.
  5. Appeal #4697 at 255 East Main St., Coffee Shop Properties, LLC Owner/Applicant. Requesting a parking variance per Section 213-55K(1) of 23 parking spaces where 26 are required in the C-1 zone.

 The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live comments will be available in the Q&A component of the virtual meeting.

Send comments by email to Comments via email will be closed 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting to allow them to be distributed to ZBA members.

Instructions on how to access the virtual meeting can be found at the top of the Meriden website. The meeting can be accessed from the City of Meriden calendar link here:

To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the following number:

1-866-342-8588          Passcode: 5208

 The agenda can be found at the following link: DOCUMENTS ON DEMAND    

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Posted: Friday, May 15, 2020


The Meriden Planning Commission at its Virtual meeting of May 13, 2020 took the following actions:

  1. Conditionally approved- C.A. Site Plan Application of WASH DEVELOPMENT, LLC at 1025 & 1043 Broad Street- car wash facility
  2. Recommended City Council approve - Zoning Regulation Amendment- Petition of Meriden Planning Department to amend the text of its zoning regulation at: Article II Section 213-23 C (4) – to amend the requirements for outdoor dining area in Commercial Zoning Districts; Article II Section 213-27 I (6) (d) – to amend the requirements for outdoor dining area in the TOD Zoning District
  3. Recommended City Council approve - Mandatory Referral- Property Acquisition at 81 Carter Avenue Ext.- City acquisition for flood control (pre-referred per Executive Order 7JJ)
  4. Administratively Approved- Site Plan Modification Application of 533 South Broad Street- to replace existing Connex Credit Union ATM machine
  5. Administratively Approved- 290 Pratt StreetTOD Application for exterior vacuum for interior lint disposal

 Paul Dickson - Assistant Planning Director

Posted: May 15, 2020

The City of Meriden Economic Development, Housing, and Zoning Committee will hold a Virtual Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 19, 5:30 p.m on the following Petition:

Zoning Regulation Amendment- Petition of Meriden Planning Department to amend the text of its zoning regulation at: Article II Section 213-23 C (4) – to amend the requirements for outdoor dining area in Commercial Zoning Districts; Article II Section 213-27 I (6) (d) – to amend the requirements for outdoor dining area in the TOD Zoning District

The Agenda, including information on how to access the meeting, can found by clicking the following link:   CLICKING HERE EDHZ Agenda

The meeting can be accessed from the Link found in the calendar posting by : CLICKING HERE to join May 19, 2020 EDHZ Meeting

To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the number which can be found on the calendar post by CLICKING HERE for May 19, 2020 EDHZ Meeting

Posted 5-8-2020


 At a meeting of the City Council on Monday, May 4, 2020 the following items were considered:

  1. City Council acting in its capacity as the Zoning Commission APPROVED AS AMENDED the petition for Zoning Regulations Amendment at Article II, Sections 213-7B; 213-16C(5); 213-17C(6); 213-18C(6); 213-19C(7) regarding  Keeping of Poultry.

This change of zone will become effective May 18, 2020.

  Lori N. Canney    Clerk of the City Council

Posted: May 8, 2020

Meriden Zoning Board of Appeals - Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Meriden will hold a Virtual Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 6:30 p.m. relative to the following applications:

Appeal #4692 at 65 Hicks Ave. Unit #15, CRW Systems Inc, Owner/Tri-State Auto Sales LLC, Applicant. Requesting a use variance per Sec. 213-30B for used car dealer and repair in the M-2 zone and requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for used car sales and repair in the M-2 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)

Appeal #4693 at 45 Spruce St., John M. Schmidt, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a special exception per Sec. 213-18(2)(b) for the keeping of chickens in the R-1 zone.

Appeal #4694 at 1030 Broad St., Allen M. Barillaro, Owner/Jose L. Maldonado dba T-Rex Auto Body LLC, Applicant. Requesting a Certificate of Location Approval per CGS Sec. 14-54 for used car dealer and repair in the R-3 zone. (ZBA acting as agent of State of CT)

Appeal #4696 at 96 Botsford St., Nathan Meyers, Owner/Applicant. Requesting a variance per Section 213-12B for a 5.3’ side yard setback where 10’ is required for an existing house, and Sec. 213-12B for lot width of 77.33’ where 90’ is required in the R-1 zone.

Appeal #4697 at 255 East Main St., Coffee Shop Properties, LLC Owner/Applicant. Requesting a parking variance per Section 213-55K(1) of 23 parking spaces where 26 are required in the C-1 zone.

 The Public can provide comments on items on this agenda via email, by phone, and live comments will be available in the Q&A component of the virtual meeting. Send comments by email to Comments via email will be closed 1 hour prior to the start of the meeting to allow them to be distributed to ZBA members.

Instructions on how to access the virtual meeting can be found at the top of the Meriden website. The meeting can be accessed from the following link :

To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the following number:

(203) 666-2306           Conference ID:  306 947 08#

 Please dial *6 to mute or unmute your phone. Please remain muted until public comment is opened.

 The agenda can be found at the following link: DOCUMENTS ON DEMAND    

Chairman Victor A. Matias, Jr.

Posted: Wednesday, April 24, 2020

The City of Meriden Economic Development, Housing, and Zoning Committee will hold a Virtual Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 21, 5:30 p.m on the following Petition:

Continuation of Public Hearing of February 19th, 2020: Item 9 of 1/6/2020: Petition for Zoning Regulation Amendment at Article II, Sections 213-7B; 213- 16C(5); 213-17C(6); 213-18C(6); 213-19C(7) regarding Keeping of Poultry.

The Agenda, including information on how to access the meeting, can found by clicking the following link:   EDHZ April 21, 2020 Agenda  

The meeting can be accessed from the following link : EDHZ Meeting April 21, 2020

To call in and provide public comments during the meeting please use the following number.  203-666-2306       Conference ID: 784 972 29#

Please dial *6 unmute or mute your phone. Please remain muted until public comment is opened.

Posted 4-15-2020