Meriden Water Division

Pay/View Your Utility Bill


What to Do if You Receive Water Service Line Inspection Notifications


The Meriden Water Division is working to identify which water service lines are made of lead or galvanized pipe so they can be corrected quickly.

Should you receive the attached notification, contact the Water Division to set up an inspection appointment or to learn how to self identify.

Meriden Water Division

Phone: (203) 630-6354 /


Self-Identification Instructions: Can be found on our website under ‘Other Important Links’.


2023 Water Quality Report

The Meriden Water Quality report was released May 21, 2024 and is available in both English and Spanish.


Checking your water system for leaks:
1.  Locate the water meter.
2.  Read the meter twice.  Read it first at night, after the day's water use has ended and again in the morning before any water is used.
3.  Find the difference.  Subtract the first from the second reading to tell how much (if any) water leaked out overnight.
4.  Do you suspect a leak?  If there is a difference in the reading, find the leak by checking pipe connections and toilets.

Checking your silent toilet leaks:
1.  Drop a little food coloring in the tank.  DO NOT FLUSH.
2.  Wait for 10 minutes, but do not flush.
3.  If the food coloring appears into the toilet bowl, your toilet has a silent toilet leak.  The leak is probably located in or around the plunger ball or flapper valve at the bottom of the tank.  These leaks are easy to fix with parts from your hardware or home store.

Restoration of water service for non-payment. 
Once payment has been made, in order to restore water service without your presence, please complete the Water Restoration Form and fax to 203-630-4061 or email Hannah Pierce, at

Customer Awareness Information

Toilet Scenarios

An Act Concerning Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water 

Harvest the Rain Regional Water Authority is offering Ivy Rain Barrels for just $68, 53% off the retail price of $129.

Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water FAQ's

Other Water Division Information

The reservoir supplies are subjected to complete treatment, including filtration.  The well supplies are subjected to chemical treatment only.  Water is pumped via four major pump stations and two secondary pump stations.  Storage capacity in this system is 12.65 million gallons.

The distribution system consists of over 215 miles of pipe, ranging in size from 30 inches down to as small as 1.25 inches.  The Water Division oversees the daily operation of this system and performs all necessary and routine maintenance to keep it operating efficiently.

The Fiscal Division is responsible for determining consumption, preparing and mailing water and sewer bills on a quarterly basis to some 17,200 accounts.  Included in these responsibilities are the maintenance and testing of existing meters, routine and special reading of meters, processing applications for new or renewed services, and answering complaints and service requests.

The most common interaction the Water Division has with the public concerns the amount of a water bill or the quality of water.  The Water Division processes applications for new services or renewal services and meter installation services.