Planning Commission

The City of Meriden Planning Commission is comprised of appointed citizens.  This commission meets on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. in Room 131 of City Hall.  All meeting cancellations and rescheduling will be posted outside of the City Clerk's Office at City Hall.  Meeting Minutes and Agendas and Planning Commission Applications and Planning Documents are available online.

Kevin Curry (U)   Chairman
19 Sachem Circle
Exp. 1/31/2026

Ross Gulino  (D)  Vice-Chairman
69 Collindale Drive
Exp. 1/31/2027

John Hauselt  (D)  Secretary
34 Mildred Rd.
Exp. 1/31/2025

Donald Szamier (D)
134 Cartpath Dr.
Exp. 1/31/2025

Vacancy for Regular Member (R-for Cariati) 
Exp. 1/31/2027


Donald Logodicio (U)
18A Stoneycrest Drive
Exp. 1/31/2025
(for Curry)

Tristan Shields (D)
136 Cynrose Place 
Exp. 1/31/2026

Vacancy (D)
Exp. 1/31/2024
(for Cooley)