Connecting Bus Services

Regular bus service from the Meriden Transit Center/Railroad Station on State Street leaves for:

Hartford, via Express Bus Route 950. Bus departs three times during the morning rush hour and six times during the afternoon. Check and type in 950. There is no weekend service.

New Haven, via Express Bus Route 950. Bus departs three times during the morning rush hour and six times during the afternoon. Check and type in 950. There is no weekend service.

New Haven, via Local Bus Route 215. Bus departs for New Haven Green, with many intermediate stops, beginning at 6:35 am and continuing all day at approximately hourly intervals until 12:23 am in the morning. For map and schedule, go to  and type in 215. Bus 215 returns passengers to Meriden on a similar schedule. Saturday service is less frequent and begins at 9:45 am and ends at 12:15 am.

Middletown, via Local Bus Route 590. Bus departs for Middletown’s Downtown Terminal approximately every 50 minutes from 6:20 am to 6:40 pm. On Saturdays, Bus 590 departs four times between 8:25 am and 3:50 pm; bus also stops at Meriden Mall. For map and schedule, go to

Waterbury, via Express Bus Route 940. Bus departs for approximate 30-minute non-stop trip to Waterbury Green every30 to 45 minutes from 6:12 am to 9:52 pm. Bus 940 returns passengers to Meriden on a similar schedule, set to provide connecting service to CTrail at the Meriden Station. There is no weekend service on this route.

Bus Service to New Britain is provided via Local Bus Route 501, which departs from Dick’s Sport in the Meriden Mall and from MidState Hospital hourly from 6:26 am to 11:26 pm. Service is provided both Saturday and Sunday on weekends, but departure times are slightly different. For map and schedule, go to and type in 501.

Local Bus Route 561 provides regular service between the Meriden Transit Center/Railroad Station and Dick’s Sport in Meriden Mall.