Snow Removal
When will my street be plowed?
Roads are plowed based on priority. The City has 17 snow routes. The priorities on these routes are major roads, followed by residential through roads, with cul-de-sacs and dead ends last to be plowed. Only City owned roads are plowed by City forces.
What is the City’s snow budget?
The City budgets $650,000 per year for materials, overtime and equipment associated with snow removal (excluding capital purchases).
Why did snow get plowed into my driveway?
Plows create windrows of snow that are impossible to avoid. You can help reduce these by shoveling snow to the side of your driveway (to the right as your face the street from your residence), not onto the street. Chapter 180 – Article 5-Snow and Ice - No person shall throw or put or cause to be thrown or put any snow or ice from private premises or from any area in the rear or outside of the sidewalk into any street.
The plow driver drives too fast. Can we get him to drive slower?
Please contact DPW with the location and time of the occurrence and truck number if possible.
My curb / mailbox was damaged. How do I get it fixed?
Mailboxes – File claim with City Clerk’s office. Curb – Damaged curbs are typically replaced in Fall. Contact us at 203-630-4018. Other damage – File claim with City Clerk’s office for review.
Who is responsible for clearing snow from sidewalks?
City Code Chapter 180 – Article 5-Snow and Ice Residents are responsible for clearing snow from their sidewalks.
What are those white lines on the road?
The City pretreats in advance of snow with a liquid brine solution that reduces ice formation and makes plowing more effective.