What are the requirements to register to vote?
You must be a resident of the town, a U.S. citizen, and at least 18 years of age. 17 year olds may pre-register, but cannot vote in an election until their 18th birthday.
How often must I register?
Once registered, you remain on the list unless you move from the city and we cannot locate you, or if you are convicted of a felony or change your address without notifying us. Deceased persons are removed from the list.
In which district (congressional, assembly, senatorial, council area) am I located?
We must have your address in order to answer this question. Call our office and we will let you know.
Once registered, can I have my name removed from the list?
Yes, by written request from you, personally. Third party requests will not be honored.
If I register to vote, will I be called for jury duty?
The jury list is comprised of information provided by the department of motor vehicles, voting lists, etc.
How do I register to vote?
You may register to vote in our office or by mail. Our office is located on the ground floor of City Hall near the Liberty St. handicap entrance to City Hall.
The mailing address is: City of Meriden, Voter Registration 142 East Main Street Meriden, CT 06450
Where do I vote?
We must have your address in order to answer this question. Call our office and we will let you know.