Environmental Health

Click here for our forms and applications.

Contact: Carrie Buckley, Environmental Health Administrator

Phone: 203-630-4226, cbuckley@meridenct.gov

Our Environmental Health staff conducts routine and complaint-based inspections of and respond to/conduct:


All Class 2, 3, and 4 food services establishments are required to post the CT DPH food allergen poster starting March 1, 2024. The poster includes information on:

  • The most common allergy-causing foods
  • The actions a server should take when a customer notifies the server that the customer has a food allergy
  • The ways in which kitchen staff and servers can prevent cross contact of foods
  • The need to contact the 911 emergency telecommunications number if a customer has an allergic reaction while on the premises of such food establishment

Posters - in 8 languages - can be downloaded here.



Pursuant to PA 23.31, Sec. 19, this electronic reporting form is for the owner of any home or well that is damaged as direct result of sodium chloride run-off to register the damage with the local health department. Annually, the local health department will submit any report received for the previous year to the Office of Policy and Management, who may identify any available state or federal financial resources to assist such owners with the costs of remediation, mitigation, or repair of such homes or wells.

Click here for the form (Survey Monkey): https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MeridenSodium2025



The City of Meriden has signed on to participate in the CT Department of Public Health Itinerant Food Vendor Reciprocal Licensing pilot project. 

An itinerant food vendor can receive a license and be inspected by one local health jurisdiction and then be allowed to operate in another local health jurisdiction as long as the two local health departments have signed the reciprocal licensing/permitting agreement. County fairs, carnivals, music festivals, etc. are considered temporary events and are not covered by the reciprocal licensing/permitting agreement. Vendors must register with the event coordinator and get the necessary approvals for selling food at these events. If you aren't sure call the local health department of the town where the event is located.

There are many local ordinances that are not covered by the agreement, such as fire, parking, zoning, building, and other required local permits. Itinerant food vendors shall receive proper local approvals prior to operating their business in towns where these other types of permits are required for itinerant food vending establishments. Advance notification may be required for local approvals.

Always contact the local municipality to determine what permits you need before arriving or planning to serve food there. Call our Environmental Health office at 203-630-4226.

Click here for the Frequently Asked Question document for food vendors.

Click here for the Frequently Asked Question document for local health departments.



As of October 1, 2018, Connecticut Public Act 18-141 Allows cottage food operations. A cottage food operation is one in which the production of specific non-potentially hazardous foods in residential kitchens is allowed provided certain regulations and laws are met.

Please be aware that cottage food operations are regulated and licensed by the Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) and not local health departments or health districts. Please contact DCP directly if you have any questions.

Click here for the DCP website on cottage food.