Support Meriden Linear Trails
Linear trails (also known as greenways) are community-based projects. Every trail requires broad community support to be a success. The Meriden Linear Trail Advisory Committee has created a vision of trails for the betterment of the citizens of Meriden and to assist our city fathers in their efforts to rebrand Meriden’s image from a deteriorating mill town to a vibrant and active “green community”. Support is needed to fulfill that vision. We have enlisted individuals and partnered with groups interested in supporting the recently completed Gorge Trail and future trail projects. Among these are land trusts, conservationists, scouting groups, bicycle & pedestrian advocacy groups and other organizations that promote walking for its health benefits.
You are invited to join in supporting the wide-range benefits of linear trails:
Trail Clean: The success of the Quinnipiac River Gorge Trail has brought with it the necessity for frequent maintenance and upkeep.. While we have local scout troops that undertake organized “Trail Clean Days” we enlist every trail user to be cognizant of leaving behind only memories when using the trail. Special attention may need to be given to the trail due to those who walk with animals. Common courtesy should be extended to all who use the trail by keeping it clean. Please use the Contact page found elsewhere on this website if you wish to be included in a clean-up-day project. Love to have you aboard.
Donations: While trails are part of the Meriden Park system which is built with government dollars, once completed, the maintenance, security, and improvements, are done mostly by volunteer organizations such as our Linear Trail Committee. To that end we solicit grants from major corporations, non-profit organizations, and individuals. While donations may not be tax deductible, your thoughtful donations will be much appreciated. You may inquire by way of our Contact page. We will be most happy to speak with you or your organization.