Engineering Division

Engineering acts as the "clearinghouse" for the Public Works Department.  This division is responsible for these various project stages - studies, analyses, design work, surveys, and project management.  In addition, inspections for all City-owned public works facilities are under the guidance of  Engineering.

Engineering issues the following permits: right-of-way, storm water, sanitary sewer permits, sidewalk, and driveway permits.  The public may obtain these permits during normal office hours (M-F, 8:00am - 5:00pm).  Engineering does have the power to assess fines for violations in conjunction with these permits.  This division is responsible for the connection of new customers to existing city water & sewer lines. 

Engineering Documents


Proposed Research Parkway Linear Trail - Public Presentation (April 20, 2023)

To review the presentation, which includes instructions for those wishing to make a public comment, CLICK HERE




  • Property owners are responsible for the maintenance of public sidewalks adjacent to their property.  Property owners wishing to improve their sidewalks may utilize the contractors on the City’s approved Sidewalk Contractor list.
  • Property owners interested in replacing sidewalks located adjacent to their property may be eligible for cost-sharing by the City through the C.I.D.E.W.A.L.K. program.
  • The City performs sidewalk projects utilizing both City funds and Community Development Block Grants.


The City develops a 5-year paving program based on detailed paving inspections performed by the City’s pavement management consultant. The City utilizes a variety of techniques and funding sources to manage the City’s 188 miles of paved roadways.


Private water (sump pumps, roof drains, swales, trench drains) is prohibited from directly discharging onto City streets or into catch basins without permission. Property owners with private storm drain discharges near the City’s right of way should contact Engineering to determine how to best address the situation at 203-630-4018.


Engineering performs CBYD mark outs for the City’s water and sewer (storm and sanitary) infrastructure, inspects water and sewer installations, investigates street, sidewalk and drainage complaints, and provides survey information relating to City projects.