
South Meriden Engine 6 is a 100% volunteer company of the Meriden Fire Department. At any given time, there are approximately 16 active firefighters associated with the station, and we can respond to approximately 200 calls per year. Our command structure begins with the Administrative Captain and the Operations Captain. They are supported by Lieutenants (Admin and Operations).

In addition to the firefighters there are other members that perform very necessary tasks and are very much appreciated for their efforts. These members are the pastors, the records keepers, the old timers that come in to chat and visit with us.

We are proud to serve not only our Fire District; we also assist with coverage for Meriden Fire. We are put on stand-by to cover the City due to other citywide emergencies. Our firefighters train hard each week. We are following the same training objectives that our brothers and sisters follow from up-town at Meriden Fire.  Many of our members have leveraged the quality of SMFD to gain experience and join a career station.  We hold our training drills every Monday evening at 7:00pm and occasionally on a Saturday. Each year we have a Live Burn drills at a controlled facility. We typically use the CT Fire Academy facilities or we may train on Meriden Fire Training Grounds. On the first Thursday of the month, we hold our General Meeting, serving dinner so volunteers can enjoy the fellowship of the other members.