Plan of Conservation and Development


The City of Meriden adopted a new Plan of Conservation and Development in February 2020.  The City selected BFJ Planning to prepare the Plan under the guidance of a dedicated steering committee with members from key City boards and commissions.  Following various public meetings, at which comments and suggestions were gathered, the Plan was finalized and approved by both the City Council and the Planning Commission. 
The Plan is a long-term blueprint for Meriden to be a dynamic regional commercial and service hub capitalizing on its central location.  The Plan includes ways to balance conservation and development for:   Conserved areas such as our prominent ridge-tops, green parks, and forested open spaces, where residents walk, hike, and bike along water resources such as Harbor Brook, the Quinnipiac River, and ponds and reservoirs; and Developed lands that sustain a growing commercial tax base including a segment of competitive business and technology jobs, regional health and other institutions, and attractive and safe residential neighborhoods.

Click here to view the Final Plan